Ask Katharina – May 2018

Dear Katharina,

As Mother’s Day is rapidly approaching I feeling slightly depressed. My mother passed away when I was very young and although I know this is a day of celebration, I can’t help but feel a bit down. Do you have any advice on how to move through this grief and to have a different attitude towards this day?

Thank you,

Jeff C., Fort Lauderdale, FL

Dear Jeff,

Thank you for sharing your story as I know you are not alone. Death is a part of the process and unfortunately in western culture we treat it almost as if it were taboo. I truly do understand your struggle as my mother passed away when I was very young also. I think the holidays can sometimes be a harsh reminder of that loss. I always recommend the Silver Lotus Pendant, which I wear almost everyday together with my Tibetan Pendant or my Unity Personal Harmonizer. The Lotus Pendant is said to to return your DNA to its original blueprint offering peace, acceptance and balance. The Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant has helped me and some of my friends move through grief and can assist anyone moving through a traumatic or grave experience. It’s such an incredible tool!

I would also like  encourage you to cherish the memory you have of your mother and celebrate Mother’s Day in memory of her. Who has acted like a mother figure to you in your life? What females do you respect and admire and see as mentors? What about Mother Earth? When was the last time you two connected? Perhaps a good day to take a nature hike or put your toes in the ocean. Reconnect with the ultimate mother and perhaps you won’t feel left out at all. Perhaps instead you’ll be filled with gratitude and wonder. I am sure all your mother wants for you to be happy and live your life to the fullest.



Dear Katharina,

Lately I’ve been extremely grumpy and can’t seem to shake it! I don’t know if it’s the weather, certain relationships in my life or what?! I’m usually a really positive person and would love to know if there is a tool that can assist me with moving through this or gaining more insight into what’s going on.

Thank you,

Julie. G., Nederland, CO

Dear Julie,

First off, don’t be harsh on yourself. As you’re usually a positive person take it as an opportunity to feel compassion for all those grumpy people who seem to be in this space most of their lives.  I ask you to please give yourself the space you need to be human. Part of the human condition is just riding the waves of emotions and knowing that “this too shall pass”.

For the “all time grumpy ones” we’ve had great success stories from customers wearing our Pyramid Pendant. This tool seems to turn grumpy guys into compassionate souls once again.  In addition to the pendant I would suggest  taking an aura shower using 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. You will hold the ring over your head and slowly move it down your body to your feet. You can also ask a friend to do this for you.  If you want, you can continue the shower with then using a 3 ½ Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring, a 3 ½ Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Ring or trying these cubit sizes in a heavier metal. This almost acts like a clearing process, and may be helping you rid the body, mind and soul of any energies that are no longer serving you.

Once you’ve given your aura a shower, I would pick up any tool that resonates with you. The first item that comes to mind is the Lotus Pendant Sacred Cubit, 24K gold plated or the silver plated one. This can help you stay within your own energy no matter what’s going on around you. You can wear it under your shirt just remember, that this one takes on the energy of the wearer. Cleanse it when you take it off or before you put it on again by going up and down with your fingers and to the left and right, not in a circular movement.

Of course you can also try one of our Personal Harmonizers which have a spherical light field around them. The Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizers are said to uplift your mood. The combination of the Sacred and Lost Cubit which you find in our Unity Personal Harmonizers may be a good choice. Always trust your own inner guidance.

Please let me know what you’re choosing to work with and how it’s been helping you. It always means so much to me to receive your testimonials and understand how the tools are working in your life.

And remember – don’t judge yourself and be hard on yourself. That usually doesn’t create any positive change but instead leads to a bigger mess.  

Wishing you all the best,


Dear Katharina,

I absolutely love the tools, but as a Reiki master I often feel very isolated or alone at times. Are there ways I can connect with others in my field? I’m interested in building community.

Thank you,

Felicity G., Philadelpha PA

Dear Felicity,

There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. I know as an energy worker that you truly understand how the two differ. Working on clients each day in a quiet space can often feel isolated if we aren’t giving ourselves the opportunity to connect. I find a lot of energy healers who are often so connected to other realms that they forget to come back down to earth every once in a while.

I highly suggest following us on Facebook and Instagram if you don’t already. I share tips about the tools and words of encouragement everyday. It’s remarkable to watch our community from around the world chime in and share their own tips and words of encouragement to each other. I hope you’ll join in the conversation.

Another way to stay connected is to attend conferences, workshops or events in your area that will allow you to take time away from your busy practice to connect with others and learn new techniques. I see you are in Pennsylvania and I hope you’ll make time to join me and Scott Anderson for our 2 day workshop in Horsham, PA on June 2nd and 3rd. I believe it’s only a 45 minute drive from your area.

You can also take a moment to see how the healing community is interacting on a global scale. I truly appreciate the Global Wellness Institute and I recommend signing up for their newsletters. I also was delighted to discover that the United Nations Educational,  Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has dedicated May 16 as the International Day of Light which will be celebrated by 140 countries across the world! It’s a day where there is  global appreciation of the role that light and light-based technologies play in the lives of the citizens of the world in areas of science, technology, culture, education, and sustainable development. Please take time to visit their site to learn more!

In the meantime, please know you aren’t alone. We at Light-Life Technology are with you every step of the way and we appreciate all you do to help others and help the world at large through your efforts in health and wellness.

Much love,


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