In the Mind of a Master Named Amazon Bestseller!
Slim Spurling was an inventor, researcher, and internationally recognized dowser. He developed the Light-Life® Ring in 1991, which became the prototype of a cutting-edge tensor technology.
The science represented in the Light-Life® Technology is both ancient and modern. Quantum physics has shown us that ultimately everything is light and energy. In the newly-named Amazon bestseller, In the Mind of a Master (2012), authors Susan Anderson and Slim Spurling discuss his extraordinary life story which ultimately led him to invent the Light-Life® Tools. This comprehensive book also includes never-before-published research reports and testimonials from around the world.
In the Mind of a Master details the applications of Slim’s Light-Life® Tools in developing a deeper connection to life and truth. It provides basic knowledge about some of the factors influencing personal health and wellness and presents the tools and their extensive applications. This has been demonstrated with the Light-Life® Tools in the energizing of food and water, cleaning of the environment, and the shift in consciousness. The book offers information about the shift mankind expects in 2012 and beyond. Slim Spurling’s Light-Life® Tools have been helpful to many people in:
- Improving health
- Raising conscious awareness to allow greater focus
- Decreasing stress
- Reducing the necessity for chemicals in the home
- Calming severe weather
- Cleaning the environment
Slim Spurling: A Master Teacher
Slim was an inventor, researcher, and internationally recognized dowser. He also was a master teacher who touched so many lives. Teachers come into and fade away from our lives continually, leaving their marks behind like fingerprints on a piece of glass. Often this is done without a true awareness of the impact they had on us. Some teachers tell us what it is that we need to learn. Others go a step beyond and explain why it is we need to learn. The good teacher does all of this, then demonstrates how we can achieve what it is we are looking for. Slim is that kind of teacher.
The truly great teacher, the master teacher, is the one who completes those steps by inspiring us – inspiring us to achieve; inspiring us to nurture the seedling of potential as it is waiting to emerge; inspiring us to wake up to the limitless possibilities that lay dormant below the surface; inspiring us to mold our learning so that it fits us as an individual rather than trying to create an exact copy of the message we have been presented; inspiring us to reach deep inside, to find that heartfelt song so unique to us that only we can share it with another. Slim is that kind of teacher.
Visit SlimSpurling.com to read more about Slim or buy the book.
When I last met Slim in October of 2005, he showed me and a friend of mine his shop where he made his wondrous Light-Life® Tools. I have had good experiences with his tools, especially the Acu-Vac Coil. It has positive health effects and seems to stimulate the pineal gland by eliciting vivid dreams when I put it underneath my pillow. Slim’s Light-Life® Tools produce a flow of subtle energies, a primordial form of force or energy, which must be primary to our known forces in physics, yet to be discovered by science.
Stephan Fuelling, Ph.D. Physicist
Slim in action was irresistible; to listen to him was spellbinding. I thought of him as Merlin, the Master of Energy. He introduced me to the quantum power of subtle energy and its role in my every moment. Working with his tools, I experienced miracle after miracle until I realized that was always Slim’s point. Life is a miracle that we have the power and obligation to utilize. He gives us the tools and the wisdom to live life as it was designed. The truth and simplicity of the universe unfold in these pages as a guide to each of us, encouraging, loving, and like Slim, always fun.
Tana Blackmore, Founder of Sacred Ground International
As a friend and colleague of Slim Spurling’s, I know his passion was to work toward healing Planet Earth and every living thing on it. His Light-Life® Technology and techniques work! Susan Anderson enlightens us with both previously unwritten about and advanced technologies. A “must read” for those who wish to join in the healing of our planet and for your own enlightenment.
Judy Lavine, Medical Intuitive, Healer, Shaman
The moment I was exposed to Slim Spurling’s Light-Life® Harmonizers, I signed up for a workshop with Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, knowing I would ask a group of people to come on board to clean the air in Albany, New York. As a body worker and distributor of these magnificent tools, I have had the privilege of seeing everything from faster recovery from broken bones, inflammations, cuts, and burns ~ to people, including myself, making sweeping life changes. The tools support growth and change. I take them wherever I go, and the applications for their use continue to unfold.
Virginia Houck, LMT
Chapter 3: Geobiology and Earth Energies
Geobiology is the study of the influence of earth energies on all forms of life: man, animal, and plant. Normally silent and invisible, these energy fields are felt by many and affect lives in profound ways. With increasing amounts of distorted earth energies appearing on the local and global scene, people need to be aware of the existence of this phenomenon and learn how to remediate its effects so the pain and suffering associated with it can be reduced. Slim Spurling’s Light-Life™ Tools and Technology offer a means to work with rebalancing our environment in a non-intrusive way without creating an additional burden on the earth.
Chapter 5: Dowsing – What Is It?
Dowsing is an art, which interfaces the unseen world with our energy body and can be thought of as our intuition communicating with us through dowsing tools. Dowsing is as simple as asking and watching the dowsing instrument for the answer. The key to dowsing is to ask clear questions with a clear intention.
Dowsing is easy to do and easy to learn. Women tend to learn it more quickly and can be better at it than men, but anyone can learn it. Even a child can do it. Almost anything can be used to dowse. Many old-time dowsers dowse with the branches from certain trees, such as willow, apple, or ash, and others use a pendulum. You can also dowse just using your body! As you become more tuned in, you will “feel” the answers. Many people start with a pendulum or “L” rods or even a willow branch. Most people will have a preference, finding it easier to work with one or another. What you use to dowse is less important than having a clear intention. Even if you already know how to dowse with a pendulum, it is helpful to learn dowsing with “L” rods, as they work well in helping identify geopathic stress lines and verifying the direction of the flow of the lines.
Chapter 6: What Are They Talking About? ~ Key Terms and Principles
Sacred Geometry. Everything in existence is a structured pattern of creation. This includes the physical, from the smallest particle of matter through to the largest most magnificent objects found in the universe, and all aspects in between, both living and non-living. In addition, it encompasses that which exists on the other levels from the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Embedded in each structured pattern is a unique energetic vibration or frequency signature. The manner in which all of these vibratory frequencies interact with one another displays the fundamental unity of the part to the whole.
These patterns that surround us everywhere, permeating everything, can be referred to as sacred geometry, the vehicle through which Spirit enters and assimilates into matter. By replicating and then applying the geometry found in nature and in the movements of the cosmos to what we create, we facilitate bringing together the resonance of harmonic frequencies existing between the heavens and earth. It is through this process we begin to understand, demonstrate, and experience how everything is connected, thus creating a bridge between the dimensional worlds.
In sacred geometry, it is the belief that patterns and numbers have a divine or sacred meaning. Included in this group are some of the traditional geometric forms such as the sine wave, the sphere, the Vesica Piscis, the torus, the golden ratio, and the five platonic solids. Throughout history, many mystical and spiritual practices, such as astrology, Feng Shui, and geomancy began with an underlying adherence to the principles of sacred geometry. Today, architects, designers, musicians, scientists, and inventors can be counted among those that frequently incorporate the study of sacred geometry into their work. Thus, it is from this field the foundation for the construction of the Light-Life® Technology lies in the utilization of the Sacred Cubit measurements.
Chapter 7: Energize Your Life with the Light-Life® Rings
I would like to begin with the discovery and development of the rings. These are very simple copper wire constructions. The active part of the ring is the open space. It’s the unseen energy field. Occasionally with proper lighting and certain angles, you can see with normal vision a very thin sort of shimmering energy field in here that appears to reflect light or to generate light. We have ample evidence, both photographic and personal observations, of this energy field. This is called a tensor. The tensor is a term from quantum physics, so we’re dealing with some sort of quantum effect, some kind of an application of quantum physics to everyday life.
- We have several reports that stiff wrists and shoulders relaxed and pain disappeared in a few hours with a Sacred Cubit Ring around the offending area.
- Numerous people have reported that certain types of headaches were gone in a few minutes wearing a 1 Sacred Cubit Ring on the head.
- Passing a 3½ Sacred or Lost Cubit Ring around the body, top to bottom, several times is very energizing first thing in the morning or when tired later in the day.
- A ½ Sacred Cubit Ring placed over an area of pain, irritation, or achiness helps to relieve the discomfort.
- Keep a ½ Sacred Cubit Ring in your pocket so it can be used at any time to treat a beverage. My husband always has one with him, and if he stops to get a drink at the local pub, he treats his beer by placing the ½ Sacred Cubit Ring around the glass. The bartender refers to it as “bar jewelry.”
Chapter 8: Speed Up Your Healing Process ~ The Acu-Vac Coil
I just finally got tired of making rings one morning. I’d been up since 5 o’clock or so making rings. What else in the world can I do with a piece of wire? So I took a piece of 12-gauge wire, wrapped it on a piece of pipe, soldered the ends together, and tested it. I showed it to a clairvoyant friend. She said, “Oh, the black energy comes in this end and the white energy comes out this end.” How fast is it moving? “Well, about how fast you run water through a garden hose.” Oh, it’s like a vacuum cleaner then – dirty stuff/negative energy in, positive energy out. Okay, that’s all I need to know.
So that evening I had the opportunity to test it on some real pain. The first application was to put the positive end near the pain. It didn’t feel bad, but it made the person’s head stuffy. Then I just said, reverse it. Change ends. And the energy began to flow out of the body, and the pain disappeared. So that was our first proof, if you want to call it that, or first experience with the coil and the ability to move negative energy from one location and convert to a positive energy so it doesn’t foul the environment. But, the original thought I had was what else can I do with a piece of wire? And knowing the polarities of wire, and knowing that you always move in a clock-wise direction, then it was very simple.
Chapter 9: Eliminate Disruptive Energies ~The Feedback Loop
The Feedback Loop is just a narrower coil, a smaller diameter coil, and we found that the energy flowing through the Feedback Loop is a higher velocity. If this standard sized coil has a flow like a garden hose, then this Feedback Loop would be more like a high pressure car wash – a narrower beam, and it would draw energy from, say, a point here in my hand, and feed it back directly into that point. That’s what we call phase conjugate mirroring. So we’re pulling out energy at a certain frequency and then returning that same energy at 180 degrees out of phase. What this does is cancel the original frequency. So it goes to zero. If you have a frequency causing pain, this would cancel that frequency at the source and consequently eliminate the pain. So it’s just a different version of the coil and can be used as a stand-alone, or it can be used in combination with the Acu-Vac Coil and/or the rings.
By Katharina Spurling-Kaffl
By Susan Anderson
PART I – Laying the Foundation
- Chapter 1 Meet the Master ~ An Autobiography of Slim Spurling
- Chapter 2 The Need to Heal
- Chapter 3 Geobiology and Earth Energies
- Chapter 4 Geopathic Stress Zones
- Chapter 5 Dowsing ~ What Is It?
PART II – Improve Your Daily Life with the Light-Life® Tools
- Chapter 6 What Are They Talking About? ~ Key Terms and Principles
- Chapter 7 Energize Your Life with The Light-Life® Rings
- Chapter 8 Speed Up Your Healing Process ~ The Acu-Vac Coil
- Chapter 9 Eliminate Disruptive Energies ~ The Feedback Loop
- Chapter 10 Clean Air and Water without Chemicals ~ The Harmonizer Family
- Chapter 11 Remove Pain without Needles or Medication ~ The Acupressure Tool
- Chapter 12 It’s All in Your Head! ~ The Nose Mask, Horse/Head/Face Mask, and Eye Mask
- Chapter 13 Increase Your Vibration on a Cellular Level ~ The Seed of Life and The Lotus Pendant
- Chapter 14 Let More Light In ~ The Beyond the Sky Ring
- Chapter 15 The Magic of the Venus Mirror Finger Rings
- Chapter 16 Beyond the Logical Mind ~ The New Dimension Ring
- Chapter 17 For Advanced Healers ~ The New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil
- Chapter 18 Simple Protection from EMF ~ The Phone Ring Set
- Chapter 19 Functional Art to Empower Your Life ~ The Light-Life® Jewelry
- Chapter 20 Support for 2012 and Beyond ~ The Empowerment Ring
PART III – A Toast to Slim Spurling
- Chapter 21 Slim Spurling’s Legacy ~ A World That Can Thrive
PART IV – Resources
- Appendix A Light-Life® Ring Size & Dimension Chart; Crystal Ring Configuration
- Appendix B Media Products
- Appendix C Glossary
- Appendix D References
- Acknowledgements
- Bibliography
- Index