2018: A Master Year

You might not know it, but I really like to play with numbers. I constantly amaze my team with my ability to memorize birthdates, credit card numbers, phone numbers, calculate complex equations in my head and show correlations between numbers and intention. We all have our natural talents and while my Marketing Director is gifted for words, numbers come to me easily. I especially love the study of numerology, a term coined in 1907 that describes the study of numbers and their divine implications.

You may already be familiar with some of the principles of the practice and not even know it. Do you get excited when you see 11:11 multiple times in a row? Does it frighten you when 666 shows up in a spreadsheet? Have you ever added up your birthday to figure out your birth number? It seems that numerology acceptance grows within the popular consciousness as I’ll often see it in magazines, right next to horoscopes.

The reason I bring light to this fascinating discipline is because 2018 has serious significance. The numbers add up to 11 (2+0+1+8), which is an indication of a master year. A master number is when you see a repetition of a number such as 11, 22, 33, etc. The numbers rotate in a circle, each year adding up to the numbers 1-9. This number (2+0+1+8 = 11 = 1+1 = 2) 2 is nothing out of the ordinary, but the way it came about with the 1+1 is something we don’t see often.

The number one, carries a masculine energy and is associated with self, creativity, initiation, independence, innovation and self-confidence. This masculine energy when doubled and added together, brings about two – which is inherently feminine. The number 2 brings about others, partnership, group dynamics and being supportive. It’s essentially a yin/yang relationship played out in a numerical format. What does this mean for you?

Master years bring with them an intensity that is undeniable. The master numbers are supposed to bring us closer to a divine purpose and move us there much more rapidly. You may start to notice that blocks that once existed in your path have been cleared. However, much like the yin/yang you may also feel those opposing forces at work. It carries a very high vibration. This combination seems to bring light to the dark shadows, much like stirring up the dirt from the bottom of a still pond. What was once hidden now appears before us, and it’s our decision to take in the information and what we choose to do with it. It’s as though the universe is collectively asking us all to step it up. Understand that ‘master’ means ‘teacher’. The time is now and the tools you’ve collected, the education you’ve acquired, will all be put to the test this year.

2018 is going to be a universal year of passion and illumination. It’s going to be a struggle between your head and your heart until you learn how to strike a balance between the two. This year is symbolic of divine intervention for the greater good. Your higher self is asking you to vibrate at a higher frequency. It’s a connection between the physical and spiritual world making a direct connection between your desires and manifestation. This is the year you can watch your dreams come to life if you’ve done the work.

I’m so excited to see what 2018 has in store for me, for you and for us all. Do you feel the collective shift? It’s so powerful! Please let me know how this higher vibration is showing up in your life and let me know what goals you have set for yourself for this master year. I can’t wait to see all of our hard work come to fruition! Even if you don’t believe in numerology, there is no denying the power of numbers. All of the Light-Life Tools are based upon the principles of Sacred Geometry. If you’ve experienced the healing energy of the tools you’ll understand firsthand the mystical, magical power of numbers. Here’s to a wonderful year!

3 thoughts on “2018: A Master Year”

    1. Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

      Glad you enjoyed it Clint! Let us know if you have any questions you’d like us to address in the next edition of “Ask Katharina”!

      1. I know we typically use a picture of a person in a ring to make contact to help them, however, has anyone used a DNA sample to link to a person or animal?
        Saliva, hair, or signature of a person?

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