Here in Colorado we’ve welcomed April with a snow shower! However, our thoughts and the intentions are set towards spring and restoration. April marks Earth Day, which is celebrated by approximately 250 Million people around the globe. Environmental conservation has gone mainstream and we’re so grateful for it as the earth desperately needs our attention. I’m a big believer in positive energies and raising your vibration. Instead of focusing on all the damage we’ve caused Mother Earth, I’d like to focus this month on what we can do to help restore her beauty. You could plant a tree, make a promise to only buy sustainable goods, get involved with local environmental legislation or you could simply buy an Environmental Harmonizer.

Slim created the Light-Life® Harmonizer with the earth’s restoration and health in mind. It was a happy coincidence to discover that this powerful tool could also bring many benefits to our personal lives. He also wanted to help farmers to get better crop without the use of harmful pesticides, hence the Agricultural Harmonizer was born. The healers in his community finally persuaded him to create a smaller version that they could wear around their neck when working with clients. The Personal Harmonizers are result of that, which have evolved over time and are available now in all three Cubit measurements, the Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit. Our Light-Life® Jewelry was not far away. We’ve recently been reviewing Slim’s writings and came across this powerful thought:
The Environmental Harmonizer may be used in clearing earth energies and creating a more harmonious atmosphere. Farms fields flourish in its environment. Plants grow lush, full and strong. Birds, butterflies and worms thrive and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive beneficial energy.

We cannot give any guarantees as there are so many factors that influence the outcome of working with the Light-Life Tools. They are energy based and if someone is operating at a lower frequency than the tools will have a less powerful effect. However, my expectation is as the collective conscious continues to grow that our tools will be more widely accepted. Let’s not forget that there was a time when people believed that the world was flat! And that without a scientist’s mistake, Penicillin, a drug created from mold to fight infection, would never been achieved. Before restoration can truly occur, there needs to be acceptance and a truly open mind.

As we set our intention towards restoration we have to accept responsibility for what has happened to our planet. While passing the blame might be top of mind as pollution is generational, nothing will be accomplished until we have acceptance that we are all in this together. We only have one earth and we need to nurture and restore her together.
Slim was once questioned in an interview if world peace could be obtained with use of the Harmonizers. He humbly said “I don’t see why not!” Slim was a man of discovery, research and action. He and his friends joined together for the Denver Clearing Project. If more people joined together in these types of efforts imagine what we could do! We encourage you to join our community in conversation, workshops and stay tuned for our webinars which will be launched later in the year. However you choose to approach restoration this month, remember one thing: It starts with you.
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