Dear Katharina,
I’ve been an insomniac for as long as I can remember. I feel like I’ve tried absolutely everything! Can you please suggest what tool would be helpful as a sleep aid?
Thank you,
Sandy B., Brooklyn, NY

Dear Sandy,
Sleep deprivation is more common than you might think and it affects our daily lives in such a profound way. It can cause us to be irritable, unfocused and at times, fearful. The tools are remarkable in that we have many testimonials from our customers about the wonders of sleep when using the tools. If you were only to buy one item, I would suggest our Light-Life Practitioner Set.
This set includes 3 items:
- Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring – 1 Cubit
- Sacred Acu-Vac Coil
- Sacred Feedback Loop
Individually all three of these items have countless uses, but when used in tandem, configuration pictured here, they can be used to “super-potentize” your water. Slim explains the super-potentization process in detail (insert blog link here), but I think in the simplest terms, you are providing a “super-filter” for your water. Not only are you removing the water’s impurities, but you are adding positive life-force energy. We are able to support these findings with the latest imagery from Dr. Emoto’s European lab (insert blog link here) who used the 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring (24K gold plated, 3 bead) in their studies. Keeping water in the ring overnight causes the water to potentize.

Keeping the water in the Practictioner Set allows the water to become “super-potentized”. There are endless benefits for your health by drinking this water, but the one you will notice immediately is your ability to fall asleep much more quickly. Customers have reported it allows for a deeper sleep and helps them wake feeling refreshed!
Dear Katharina,
We have seen more chemtrails and increased air pollution in our area and a friend of mine suggested to contact you as one of your tools may be able to help us.
-Sal V., Mexico City

Dear Sal,
Heavy air pollution in Denver, Colorado was one of Slim Spurling’s major concerns. His regard for the environment guided him to create the Light-Life Harmonizer. When it comes to air pollution and chemtrails I would recommend the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Environmental Harmonizer. This powerful device can be activated using our Environmental Clearing CD. You can see my video on how to accomplish that in my video here.
Having the Harmonizer in your home may not only help you to divert chemtrails and decrease air pollution, it may also support more harmony and balance in your family and your neighborhood. Please make sure to let me know all the positive changes you experience.
Hello Katharina,
I am interested in the Light-Life Harmonizers and would like some guidance please. I have been looking at the Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit and Empowerment Harmonizers. I have so many questions! Here are few of them:
- EMFs: The Empowerment one seems to cover most of my requirements (in particular health& intuitive benefits), but does not mention EMF. Does this particular tool have any known effects on EMFs?
- Environment: I live in a city suburb in the United Kingdom and we would like the Harmonizer to be of benefit to both for ourselves and the surrounding area, but are unfortunately limited by budget, so are looking to do this at the most cost effective price, if possible.
- Family Balance: We have two children, both fast approaching adolescence, and feel that covering mental and emotional issues would also be of benefit.
- Harmonizer Details: Would there be any major benefit in purchasing all three or would one or two be sufficient?
- Harmonizer Sizes: If it is possible to have the individual harmonizers, do they all need to be of the same size, or could we have for example the agricultural sacred cubit, together with the environmental Lost & Empowerment harmonizers?
Apologies for so many questions! Although we already have several of the Rings and Feedback loops, we have not yet had any experience of the Harmonizers.
Many thanks again for your assistance.
Kind regards
Andrew T., United Kingdom

Hello Andrew,
Thank you so much for your inquiry. I truly understand that unless you have in-depth knowledge of the tools, questions are essential when making your purchase! There is no such thing as tool many of them and I’ll do my best to answer them all!
- EMFs: When it comes to protect from EMF the silver-plated Sacred Cubit Harmonizers seem to work the best, either the Environmental or the Agricultural.
- Environment: The Sacred Cubit Harmonizer would be sufficient to cover the energy field of your home, however, if you want to help your community and have also the benefits of the other measurements we have two options for you:
- The Matrix 44 Harmonizer – It incorporates the Sacred Cubit inside and the Lost Cubit on the outside.
- The Synergy Environmental Harmonizer incorporates all three measurements: Sacred, Lost and Empowerment Cubits.
- Family Balance: When it comes to help your children going through mental and emotional challenges on their way to adolescence, I would recommend the silver-plated Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer.
- Harmonizer Details: You may decide to purchase two harmonizers. One in silver would benefit your children and the emotional balance while clearing up EMF. One in gold would be more environmentally focused as they gold alloy seems to negate air pollution
Harmonizer Sizes: Yes, you can choose Harmonizers in different cubit measurements! The size only affects how far the energy field can reach. As it seems you are budget conscious and really want to pack a punch, my recommendation is this:
- Take advantage of our sale (ending July 11) and buy two Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers, one in silver, one in gold
- Set your intentions towards balance, pollution reduction and harmony
- Come back to us again when your budget permits and procure the Synergy Harmonizer which is a long-term investment in your health and happiness. Don’t forget the tool can be passed along to your children, even your grandchildren! The power of the tools does not dissipate over time, although sometimes we need to re-adjust our intentions.
I hope this helps. Keep me posted!
Warm regards,
Hello Katharina,
I recently was watching the show Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. While I’ve always been a skeptic of psychics, watching Tyler in action made me much more of a believer. One episode struck me immediately as a gentleman had a “spirit” or “entity” attached to him and needed more information to free his energy. I’ve been extremely weighed down lately and a lot of it has to do with grief. Do you have a tool that would aid me in clearing my energy and/or dispelling any unwanted spirit entities? It’s something I’m willing to try.
Thank you,
Doug L., Portland, OR

Dear Doug,
We live in a society where many are hesitant to talk about the spirit world. It’s fun to watch our spiritual lives become more mainstream with television shows such as these! We’ve had the opportunity to work with many clairvoyants over the years and the Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil may be the perfect tool for you. However, I would advise you to work with a trusted spiritual guide if you are a novice to healing energy work. I’ll let Slim describe the coil’s attributes in more detail:
The Sacred Cubit New Dimension Acu-Vac Coil with the wire inside may be used to clean homes of unwelcome spirits and entities. Hold it horizontally with the bead pointing outward while scanning the area. This tool is for heavyweight issues that go beyond the dimensions. You don’t want to pull the negative energies into the coil; instead, you’ll enhance the positive by blasting light energy, and the negative has to go. It is almost like it is pulling you into a vortex in a higher dimension. You may feel like you’re becoming invisible. You’re becoming the anchor of the intention; your body becomes the intention to be cleared.
To support your grieving process I would recommend our Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant silver plated. This has helped me a lot working through grief processes. I just recently lost a dear friend of mine and wearing this pendant helps me a lot.
I hope you find this information useful! Please share with me how the pendant and the coil worked for you!
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