Today I want to share with you what I’m doing to stay healthy because many of you have asked. Maybe some ideas will be helpful for you as well. I do want to put a disclaimer here: I am not a doctor, therapist or health professional. You are responsible for your actions and outcome. These are my choices based on advice I have been personally given by people that I trust and rely upon.
Of course, I am using our Light-Life Tools daily. Click here to read my blog where I share the different ways to use them. I have one of our heavy Light-Life Tensor Rings around all my supplements and around my water. I mostly drink water from my Lourdes Hydrogen Water Generator (Amazon has these) that has then been potentized in my Light-Life Tensor Ring.

Super-potentize water, when used in combination with a Light-Life Feedback Loop hooked onto a Light-Life Tensor Ring
I’m using a frequency device out of Germany which has over 200,000 frequencies and different programs to help heal different issues. If you like to learn more about it, please contact me. I drink a glass of warm water with lemon and set up my device. The first program runs during my morning meditation and quiet time.
Before breakfast, I take 4000 mg of Lypo-spheric Vitamin C on an empty stomach, I also take a Multivitamin supplement.
I personally prefer homeopathic remedies vs allopathic remedies, i.e. after my accident in September 2014 I had antibiotics the first time in 20 years. I received different recommendations regarding homeopathic remedies to use at this time, and some were too complicated for me so I chose to go with the recommendation from a dear friend. I take one Bryonia 30c a day and one Phosphorus 30c just as prevention during the day.
I do take some Colloidal silver during the day. Again, make sure to read the instructions or ask your health care provider what amount is right for you. I am not making any medical recommendations just relaying what I am doing.
I’ve also been cutting down on sugar. That’s what I do recommend for all of you as sugar is weakening your immune system. Look for healthy alternatives to white or brown sugar, yes brown sugar is not much better than white. I like coconut sugar and Xylitol.
Also, if you have taken my Metamorphosis workshop to remember to do the conceptional pattern, whenever you feel anxious or worried or just concerned.
One of our loyal distributors recommends Young Living Thieves products. She finds them very important right now. If you want her website, please contact me. She also recommended Perelandra’s solution, especially the balancing Solutions of Immune, Lymphatic and Respiratory as well as ETS (Emergency Trauma Solution). She said it works with the electrical system and repairs it before the Central Nervous System takes the hit. Here is the website if you’re interested: I’ve known of them for many years and was happy to be re-introduced. These are also solutions and essential oils that you can put a few drops on a tissue and place right in your Harmonizer.
Are you familiar with EFT or Tapping? If not, check it out on YouTube. It is a scientifically proven technique to relief the stress of all kinds. It is free, easy to apply and children can do it also. I have used many different instructors and I like Brad Yates YouTube videos a lot and have done many of his sessions. The other day I was looking for a tapping session and found this one on the Coronavirus. Check it out: If he doesn’t align with you check out the or just search on YouTube. There are many other options. By the way, EFT/Tapping can be very helpful in any life challenging situation, anxieties, depression, insomnia but not only health-related, finances, relationships, you just name it – you’ll find one!
In addition, I put myself in self-quarantine on March 15 and didn’t leave for three weeks. When I needed to, I put on a mask and gloves, armed with disinfectant, and went to the post office to mail a big box. Since the stay at home order on 3/26/2020, I go to the office, on the other side of my property, to process orders and answer phone calls but usually work from home the rest of the time. I do take the social distancing seriously and all the precautions that are suggested as I think we should.
What I refuse to do is go into fear, watch the news every day and get angry or mad about the different news and opinions. I feel it is a waste of my time and energy because the messages can defer so much that it is almost impossible for me to know what is true.
Instead, I chose to make sure my immune system is healthy. It has been proven over and over that negative thoughts and emotions are weakening our immune system while positive thoughts, feelings and emotions are strengthening it.
Look at some inspiring news. A friend of mine just sent me this link: It’s a good reminder of all the good that is still happening out in the world and that’s what I want to focus on.
So, my friend, it’s up to you! Choose wisely and choose health and well-being! You’re worth it!

Katharina Spurling-Kaffl