Ask Katharina – February 2019

Dear Katharina,

I am wondering which Acu-Vac Coil to get. I know the Sacred Cubit seems to work on the physical, so I’m considering it – however, I believe my physical pain is created via my mental/emotional state which would suggest I should use the Lost Cubit Acu-Vac Coil. What do you recommend?

Bill E.

Dear Bill,

Thank you so much for your question. When it comes to the Acu-Vac Coils all of them work on the physical as well as on the mental and emotional. For me it’s almost like ‘what came first the chicken or the egg?’ kind of question. It depends on your situation – for instance, if you’re traveling, the Sacred Cubit is not as heavy as the Lost Cubit but takes a bit longer. Our experience when we started was it took maybe 25 minutes with the Sacred and more like 5 with the Lost Cubit. It is also a budget question. The Lost Cubit is more expensive than the Sacred Cubit. The Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil was the first one that Slim created. He always had one in his jacket ready to help anyone we came across with pain. He even used it on the beach in Venezuela to help a woman who hurt her ankle. As far I’m concerned it should be in every first-aid kit.

I hope this helps. Please share with us your experiences either on Facebook or by email. We look forward hearing from you.

Warm regards,


Hello, I just watched an interview where Slim detoxed himself using bath water charged with a Ring.

I am wondering if the products are water safe and how would one charge a bath?

Thanks, Chris

Hello Chris,

Thank you so much for your email. As far as I remember Slim had an emergency and put the rings right into the tub. In addition to that if you want to detox I would always recommend drinking super potentized water using the configuration on the picture above. In the beginning Slim recommended drinking just an ounce or so to start. What I’ve noticed is that people can drink more than that without any negative side effects. My guests get only super potentized water as this is the only water I drink. I would trust my intuition and go as it feels right to you.

If you put gold plated rings in the water the beads will tarnish eventually, however you can use copper rings to avoid that.

On another note remember to detox not only the body but the mind as well. If you catch yourself with negative thoughts let them go and replace them with positive ones. The power of our mind is not to be underestimated in all we’re doing.

Warm regards,


Hello Katharina,

I have a question. In the last workshop you mentioned that when people don’t feel comfortable dowsing for themselves, but know they are affected by Geopathic Stress and/or Hartmann Grid they could also activate one of your Harmonizers. I can’t remember which one I should get. Would you please let me know?

Thank you.

Cathy S.


Dear Cathy,

Thank you for asking. We’ve found that our Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer silver plated works best for eliminating Hartmann Grid and Geopathic Stress. We even had a participant in a workshop in Germany who had his house dowsed by one of Dr. Hartmann’s students. He bought a silver plated Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer at the workshop, activated it in his house and had Dr. Hartmann’s student come and dowse again. He couldn’t detect any of the previously found Hartmann Grid and Geopathic Stress signs.


Having said that, not everybody wants to purchase a Harmonizer – for those I would like to suggest coming to our next workshop April 6 and 7, 2019 here in Erie, Colorado. That’s the only workshop we’re holding this year in Erie with Scott Anderson. He’s an expert in Slim Spurling’s method of Geopathic Stress reduction and a great teacher. In my workshop I introduce dowsing and the Tools. With Scott we actually go out in the field and you get to practice dowsing. If you’ve taken a workshop call the office at 303.833.9033 to get the discounted price for repeats. I would love to see you again.


Warm regards,



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