It seems like my Harmonizer doesn’t work anymore. What is happening?
Recently I received a phone call from a customer concerned that her Harmonizer was not working any more. I inquired about her situation to see what was going on because I know that the Harmonizers do work, even though we may not notice it or expect different results. It turned out that she has forgotten to recharge the Harmonizer occasionally by placing it in the ring it came with it.

In the early days when Slim Spurling was still on this plane this wasn’t necessary. However, since then times have changed significantly, pollution being a big one. I received a message from him reminding me to tell our customers to place the Harmonizer in the ring for recharging as there is much more pollution in the atmosphere than during his time.
Therefore, depending on where you live you may have to do it more often, i.e. every 3 -4 days in a high polluted area while living in back country only once a month or whenever you feel it needs a boost. Between all of the fires and other air pollutants you may want to activate your Harmonizer 24/7 and in between recharge your Harmonizer for 2-3 hours every few days until the smoke clears. Again, use your own intuition. If you feel the Harmonizer working well then you don’t need to recharge it. If not, we recommend it.
Thanks for the Question!
How to program your Harmonizer
Hello Katharina,
I remember you mentioning in the workshop that we can program our harmonizers. I forgot how to do that. Would you please explain it to me?
Thanks so much.
Hello Heidi,
Yes, I am happy to explain that to you. All that you need to do is hold the Harmonizer and place your intentions. Here is how I do it. I hold the Harmonizer between my hands or, if it is a smaller one, place it in the palm of one hand and cover it with the other hand. I like to focus on my intentions so that they are for the highest good of all. I open my heart and transfer the energy of my intentions to the Harmonizer.

There are many other ways to program your Harmonizer, you are only limited by your own imagination. For example, a friend of ours writes her affirmations and prayers on a piece of paper and sticks it in the Harmonizer. She has had amazing results. You can use essential oils and put some drops on a piece of tissue paper and the properties of the oil infuse the environment. You can put crystals in the Harmonizer or gemstones. We were told that quartz crystals are amplifying the energy of the Harmonizer while the Harmonizer amplifies the properties of the gemstones.
Once, Slim was called to a home that was poisoned with anthrax. He put a puffball mushroom inside the Harmonizer as he knew it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Then he activated the Harmonizer with the Environmental Clearing frequencies. According to biofeedback testing the whole area was free of any harmful bacteria within an hour of playing the frequencies. This may be something to consider for people who are concerned about the current pandemic.
Try one of the techniques that I gave you or please feel free to experiment and let me know what you’ve discovered. I am always excited to hear new testimonials.