How can I reactivate my Energy Harmonizer?

Occasionally, I meet people who bought a Harmonizer a long time ago from Slim and ask me, “How can I reactivate my energy Harmonizer?” I always recommend reading our book: In the Mind of a Master. It was written to serve as a guide and reference manual for all our Tools. However, here are the steps to take:

Reactivate the Harmonizer

When you want to activate or reactivate the Energy Harmonizer, it is important to remember to use your intentions. Make sure to have the Harmonizer outside of the included Light-Life Tensor Ring whenever you want to broadcast your intentions. Using the Environmental Clearing CD, or the MP3 file, will increase the light-field of the Harmonizer. The Tensor Ring will reduce the area of influence of the Harmonizer to the size of the Ring. The Harmonizer should be placed inside the Tensor Ring to recharge it occasionally. When Slim first created the Harmonizer, this was not necessary. However, the environment has changed quite a bit in the last 30 years. We have more electrification and wireless technology, and more pollution than ever.

Place the Harmonizer in your hands to set an intention

Functional Art Form

Slim created all the Light-Life Tools as functional art form. Because this is what they truly are. They are all beautiful pieces of art forms with beneficial functions for different areas. The Energy Harmonizers are created out of three Tensor Rings with an Acu-Vac Coil in the middle. The purpose of the Acu-Vac coil is to pull out unwanted energies from an environment or situation and transmute it to beneficial energies. To the clairvoyant, a coherent light-field is visible coming out from the top of the Harmonizer as a toroidal energy field.

Imagine the light field in the shape of a doughnut. This field is constantly in motion and affects all that come in its vicinity. For the harmony seekers among you, this can be a great support. Always remember that the Light-Life Tools are here to support your growth, but they don’t do the work for you. They will not interfere with your free will but can assist you in bringing more harmony in your life if that’s what you strive for.

Find out more!

I wrote a blog all about the Environmental Harmonizer. Please click here to read it.

I encourage all of you to please activate or reactivate your Energy Harmonizer if you have one. The Harmonizers are antennas that broadcast light. Add all your good intentions to make this planet a better to place to live. Let’s bring more light to the world and peace to all.

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