Dear Katharina,
Which one of your tools would you recommend for knee pain? I have tried many different things, but nothing seems to work.
Thank you for your time.
Susan H., WA
Dear Susan,
Thank you so much for your email. I have on and off issues with my knees as well. What helped me the most is our ½ Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant 24K gold plated. I put an adjustable elastic ribbon around it, the kind we use on our eye and nose mask to fix it around my knee. It works like a charm and brings me great relieve. In one of my workshops a participant was interested. I gave him mine to try and it helped him also and he got a ½ Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant 24K gold plated for himself.

Try it and let me know how it works for you. If your knee is better you can hang the pendant in a room to clear the air, or of course, wear it as a pendant. Before we created the smaller ¼ Lotus Pendants I wore the ½ Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant a lot.
You see, be creative and find what works best for you.
Dear Katharina,
I live in California and my friends and I are very concerned about the 5G technology. Do you have any Light-Life Tools that can give us some protection?
I do have an Environmental Harmonizer silver plated to protect from EMF but I’m afraid it is not enough for 5G.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kathy B., CA
Dear Kathy,
I understand your concern. There are already enough reports out there about the harmful effects of the 5G Technology. We have created Harmonizers and according to some psychic readings the latest one is supposed to reduce the negative effects by 80% by having a range of about 1,700 feet in diameter.* I do not have any scientific test as for now, however, an institute in Europe is working on it. I had another customer testing it long distance and found that it would be beneficial for him.
*What’s important to understand is that the 1,700 feet in diameter are regarding 5G Technology. The harmonizing effect as such is much larger.
What we also found is that for the 5G technology the 24K gold plated Harmonizer works better than the silver plated. For EMF’s and Hartmann Grid the silver-plated ones would be the right choice according to our findings. I am putting a picture here for those of you who want to do long distance dowsing to see if it would benefit you.

We also created new phone rings that are designed to bring some protection. They also have a positive effect on the receiver of the call even only the caller has a phone ring set on his phone.

I hope this helps.
Warm regards,
PS: As soon as we have scientific test, we’ll post them. Maybe you know some dowsers who can also help you finding out if this would be the right choice for you.