Dear Katharina,
I am curious about the New Dimension Light-Life Rings. I have a Light-Life Ring and use the tensor field but what is different about the New Dimension Light-Life Rings?
Thank you,
A.J., Colorado
Dear A.J.,
The New Dimension Light-Life Rings are not a normal tensor ring and definitely different from our other Light-Life Rings. What we learned from the beginning was that the New Dimension Rings’ energy goes out beyond the tensor field that is typically created inside the ring. Even though they have a tensor field I hesitate to call them a tensor ring, because of the different qualities.

While our standard Light-Life Rings may be used to contain the field of our Harmonizers to the size of the ring, we found that our New Dimension Light-Life Rings significantly expand the field of the Harmonizers. For example, we found that when you place a New Dimension Harmonizer in a 1 ½ Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring, its field expands by a factor of 3. Customers told us it works with other Harmonizers as well but we do not have any reports of how far the field expands.

I was once wearing a ½ Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring on my arm and a clairvoyant told me, that she sees the energy going from my arm to my organs on this side of the body and appears to cleanse them.
What we were shown is that the Sacred Cubit New Dimension Light-Life Rings will affect your personal life, body, and intuitive abilities. While the Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring may open you up to see the bigger picture such as what is happening globally, as well as what is far reaching in the universe. They were originally intended for someone who wants to strengthen their psychic abilities, as this ring may allow you to see through different dimensions. I suggest wearing only one at a time, either a Sacred Cubit New Dimension Ring on each side or a Lost Cubit New Dimension Ring on each side.

Slim Spurling said: “My intention for creating this ring was to take you out of what you see as current time and space, and open up to the reality and totality of what true time and space is; to be able to go beyond the logical mind, basically, or the third dimensional properties. My intention was to have one so large that you can sit in it, put it over yourself, and as you bring it down to the ground, you are someplace else. …” Continue reading in the book “In the Mind of a Master” by Slim Spurling and Susan Anderson. It is worth it!
When we first started making the New Dimension Rings in 2005 the energy may have been too strong for most people, however, with the increased awareness and consciousness I believe the time has come for more people to benefit from the energy of our New Dimension Light-Life Rings. See and feel for yourself.
Warm Regards,
