What is the difference between the Tibetan Pendant and the Synergy Personal Energy Harmonizer?
Both the Tibetan Pendant and the Synergy Personal Energy Harmonizer are beautiful hand crafted pieces of jewelry that enhance your personal space and well being. The Tibetan Pendant is said to form a kind of Merkaba field around the wearer. The Synergy Personal Energy Harmonizer is designed to strengthen your personal energy field and that of those near you. People describe feeling their level of consciousness escalating as well as those around them.

I have both pendants but haven’t tested my experience with each compared to one another. So, that prompted me to put on our Synergy Personal Energy Harmonizer since I haven’t worn it for some time. You probably know from videos that most of the time I wear my Tibetan Pendant. I was curious to find out if and what difference I can feel, and I was in for quite a surprise. With the Tibetan Pendant, it is hard for me to tell you what exactly it did for me because I wear it most of the time and got so used to its energy. However, I could definitely notice something important is missing when I was not wearing it.
When I put on the Synergy Personal Energy Harmonizer silver-plated, I could immediately feel a difference. I felt the synergy. I felt like it was adjusting my spine, had me stand up straight, grounded me and at the same time it gave me a clearer connection to spirit. I think it carries its name well. I also felt more confident. At the time I had to make some important decisions; I felt it support me in making those.

In comparison the Tibetan Pendant feels much softer, smoother, and rejuvenating. It is more delicate, more feminine. I will definitely wear it when I am traveling or around a larger group of people.
What this experience also showed me is how much my intuition expanded. I have always been very intuitive; however, the Light-Life Tools have increased my awareness and consciousness enormously. I would love to hear your experiences.
dear Katharina,, thanks lot for answering my questions in great details after you kindly personally tested both pendants yourself! I am very grateful for your kindness and attentiveness! ^_^