Dear Katharina,
How do I know which pendant is right for me?
Dear C.J.,
That is a good question. It all depends on what you want to accomplish, what kind of an environment are you in and in what physical, emotional, and mental state you are in or what you want to support.

All our Personal Harmonizers are made of fractions of cubit measurement Light-Life Tensor Rings and generate a coherent toroidal light-field that can strengthen your energy field, your aura. It can be experienced as positive influence. Our Unity Personal Harmonizers have a Sacred Cubit Personal Harmonizer inside and a Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer on the outside, our Synergy Personal Harmonizer additionally has on the outer layer an Empowerment Cubit Personal Harmonizer.

The Unity and Synergy Personal Harmonizers are the most powerful. Their range can expand up to 25 feet radius. One of our research associates in Belgium found in his tests the lacquered Synergy Personal Harmonizer silver-plated, is the most powerful protection for EMF as well as mental and emotional issues on a personal level while the Synergy Environmental Harmonizer silver-plated works best for home or larger environment. However, if you prefer 24K gold-plating you will still benefit from its toroidal light-field.

If your concern is more on mental and emotional issues, we recommend the Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer silver-plated. It can provide uplifting and mood enhancing qualities.

For general protection, strengthening your own energy field and positively impacting anyone near, any of our Personal Harmonizers are a good choice. I wear our Tibetan Pendant a lot, especially when I am traveling (again). According to a very gifted psychic it creates a large protective field around me.

I often wear it with our ¼ Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant silver plated. This one is a great support when you are going through a grieving process. It can be life changing and has helped me and my friends a lot.

The Lotus Pendant can help you stay centered and calm amid chaos. We were told that placing the ring on top of it on the outside would give us an extra protection of unpleasant energies coming our way.
Two very gifted healers told us, unbeknownst to each other, that wearing the 24K gold-plated one for 30 days would reset our DNA to its original blueprint. The silver-plated one would take 60 days of wearing it or having it close to you. Try it for yourself if that is of interest to you.
What is important to know about the Lotus Pendants is that they need to be cleaned because they store the energy of the wearer. You do that by going up and down and left and right with your fingers. Watch the Lotus Pendant Video
The Pyramid Pendants 24K gold plated, lacquered is made up of 2 tetrahedrons combined with an Acu-Vac Coil. Triangles are considered the strongest shape because they have fixed angles and don’t distort very easily. A tetrahedron is a four-sided pyramid made up of equilateral triangles. This pendant combines these two shapes which seem to increase the energy.

Our Mini Pyramid Pendant, 24K gold plated, lacquered has a design based on sacred geometry. The tetrahedron shape is 4 equilateral triangles put together into a four-sided pyramid. An upward-facing triangle is a symbol for water and the downward-facing is a symbol for fire. So you have the duality of fire and water. It is associated with the 3rd Chakra which is the solar plexus and relates to personal power and self-will.
We found while the Personal Harmonizers create a coherent light field around you the Pyramid Pendants seem to go deeper inside you and strengthen your field, self-esteem and self-confidence. Tests showed that even when the person was exposed to negative thoughts the field still became stronger. We would suggest this pendant for kids at school if they get bullied or are exposed to a lot of negative energies around them.
On a side note, we also had great reports from customers that the standard size Pyramid Pendant turned grumpy men into friendly human beings.
I hope this helps you choose the right pendant for your needs.
