Dear Katharina,
Are any of your tools able to help me with weight loss? I just started a diet and exercise program and I’d see if any of the tools can aid in my progress. I got a serious talking to from my doctor and I need to make significant changes.
Thank you,
Shirley K., Pittsburgh, PA

Dear Shirley,
As you know, weight gain can have many different causes and therefore there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. However, I’ve had many reports from customers on how they’ve used the tools as a weight loss aid. Here are some examples for you to try:
- Place several 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings underneath your bed, right underneath the area where you sleep. I had a distributor who lent some to her friend for this purpose. When she went to pick the rings up again two weeks later, she noticed the friend had lost some weight. Her friend claimed she didn’t do anything different in her diet and attributed the weight loss to the Light-Life Rings under her bed.
- Place a 2 Sacred Cubit Light-Ring around your waist and wear it everyday for several weeks. This has reported to help a customer slim down.
- Drink super potentized water! You can find out more about this process and its overall health benefits in my previous blog entry. Drinking super potentized water is said to have a detox effect and may help you flush out unwanted toxins that hold the weight.
Unfortunately there is no quick fix for weight loss or else we’d all be involved! By practicing healthy eating habits and focusing on the end result and not on where you are right now in combination with some Light-Life Rings may help expedite your process. Recently I started focusing on my health a bit more and have incorporated dark green vegetables, protein, and healthy fats (such as avocados or walnuts) into my diet. I’m proud to report I’ve dropped a few pounds by eating more of those and drinking super potentized water daily.
I hope this helps. Please keep me posted on what worked best for you.
Dear Katharina,
I suffer from intense migraines that have been debilitating. I’m unable to work at the moment and I’ve been on disability. I’m willing to try anything! Someone suggested your tools and I’m curious to see what you’d recommend.
Paul S., Tucson, AZ
Dear Paul,
I’m so sorry to hear about your suffering. Unfortunately I am not a health professional and therefore cannot give you any medical advice. However, I do know that migraines have a variety of causes. Here are some questions for you that might help you determine the root issue and may help you free yourself from this debilitating pain.
- Are you only experiencing migraines only at home or do they happen anywhere? If it is mostly at home it could be due to geopathic stress. Slim describes a case in his book, In the Mind of a Master, where his client started to get migraines when she moved to a new house. Once Slim eliminated the geopathic stress the migraine completely disappeared. We may be able to connect you with dowsers who would be able to perform this work for you remotely. If you’re interested please contact me and I will connect you with one of them.
- What type of exposure do you have to EMFs (electromagnetic fields)? Excessive exposure can bring all kind of health hazards including migraines. I talk about this subject in detail in last week’s blog.
- Did your migraines start after you had surgery with anesthesia? When we do not protect ourselves before we go into surgery we can sometimes bring home unwanted guests. This happened to me once. According to our clairvoyant community, there are spirits that hang around at the hospital looking for another ‘host’. Believe it or not this can also happen when you are drunk or use recreational drugs as you open your aura to outside influences. But there are people out there that specialize in removing those unwanted guests.
Let me know if any of those scenarios may be true for you and if you would like further help.
Wishing you best of luck!