Strange times ‘Back to School’ this year! How different things have been since March of 2020! From the outside things may look not much different if you consider that we’re used to seeing people wearing masks in stores and public places. People are on the roads, people go to stores, people are walking their dogs, biking, and hiking but where is the community and social part of it? In a world so confused and unsure of where COVID will go, not to mention social unrest it is hard to think about the missed connections, the need for social and physical contact, and the need for communication.
Schools are getting ready to re-open in some form or fashion but as social beings how does that work? We have social distancing, the inability to see the person we are talking to due to a face covering. No physical contact at all including a handshake let alone a hug. Kids will be going “back” to school either at home on a computer, seeing their teachers and peers on their computer screen or they will be allowed to go to school in a limited fashion, a couple of days per week without any social aspect. (According to the schools it will be very different from what kids are used to and not allowing the social aspects such as lunch or hall conversations.) I’m not sure if it is better to be home on a computer or in person without the joys of the community.
Either way, we must support our children, teachers,, and administrators. They are following guidelines and working harder than ever to be safe, learn, teach, and still deal with their own lives, fears, and homes. Kids want to get back to normal and the only way we can support that right now is to make community mean family and very close friends. It may mean not be seeing people in person but on a computer. It may mean extra hugs from Mom and Dad and no hugs for people outside of the home. Saying I Love You and Thank You a bit more. Appreciating the things that we do have, are able to do and can look forward to. Rather than that which we feel has been lost. Positive feelings, words, and views of the future will help us bridge the gap in social contact and communication while we wait for things to get us out of here to a new “normal”. While each of us experienced this time differently I believe we learned a lot about ourselves, what matters most in our lives, and we see life with new eyes. Our values probably changed, and I hope you also found some gifts in the situation. My dad always said that every ‘bad’ situation has a gift in it. I must say, he is right.
During these times, when your kids are going back to school, assist them by activating your Harmonizers. Put your intentions for a safe and peaceful year in them. Put your intentions for a feeling of connections and joy. Put all of your intentions to support them, your home, and everyone in your lives. Even if you don’t know them personally, including people who enter your neighborhood such as the postal worker, garbage collector, or mail carrier. Include people working on roofs and painting houses. Include all living beings so that peace and harmony, connection, and communication are all felt by those who are near you.
If you live near the school that your child attends, you may consider using your Agricultural Harmonizer. Place your intentions into the Harmonizer as well as some remedies for good health and activate it so that it can go out through your child’s school. If you aren’t in close proximity to the school, place a map of the school under the Harmonizer and put your intention on that location. (See Video Here)

You can also send an Environmental Harmonizer with your child to school in their backpack. Put your intentions into the Harmonizer, activate it, and place it in a sturdy box or plastic container. I recommend the silver-plated Lost-Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, however, if you have any gold plated one, use what you have. Then place it in a pocket of the backpack. This can help with the stress of being at school during the Pandemic as well as can help the environment within the school.

Talk to your children, be open with the faculty and staff at the school, share your child’s concerns or struggles and build relationships with those who need our support and who are there to support our kids. Remind yourself to be grateful and say thank you often. It is not easy to be a teacher or administrator right now. It is not easy to be a kid right now. It is not easy to be a parent right now.
While my focus here was on back to school, I also want to speak to those of you who are not involved in ‘back to school’ in one way or another. You may have your own challenges; maybe you lost your job, have a financial hardship or just want to help those in need, please use your Harmonizer and put your intention in there for new opportunities to improve the current situation. You can also use our Manifestation Lost Cubit heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring. Many of our customers had great results when speaking their intentions through the ring. I want to encourage you to look at your end result and not limit yourself with just looking at the next day/week or month. Be bold and courageous! After all, what do you have to lose?

As always, my invitation is to focus on love, not fear; stay in gratitude, and share the love with everyone around you. You have no idea who may be in need of your thought and compassion today.
Wishing you peace and harmony!
Hawaiian Islands
On a different note, we wanted to say thank you to all of those who participated in activating your Harmonizers to keep the Hawaiian Islands safe from Hurricane Douglas. Our friend asked for help and our community answered. The islands are safe. Please read the Thank You from our friend.