What do you think ‘Be It To See It’ means? We usually think we have to have it before we can be it, right? Actually, the first step is to visualize the identity we want. And how do we do that? Now, here’s the thing: Our unconscious doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what you imagine. If you believe you can create miracles in your life, your subconscious will support you in that belief. The exciting thing is that you can retrain your subconscious and tell it what you want to create and who you want to be, just by using your imagination.
Start your day with visualizing what it feels like if you are, for example, in optimal health, completely at ease, and doing all you can do when your health is restored.
Use your Harmonizer to assist you in making these positive changes. Ask your Harmonizer to help you with a specific focus every day until you can then focus on a new goal, as you have succeeded in your initial visualization into manifestation.
Be the Creative Force
Look what Slim Spurling, my late husband, did! He was VERY upset about the air pollution in Denver AND he was looking for a solution. He was focused on a sky without the ‘Brown Cloud’ over Denver nor any air pollution worldwide. Slim BEcame the solution by creating our Light-Life Harmonizers to clear the air.

So, to be it before you see it, look at who you want to be, create a picture of your future self, and then feel it. Doing this is so important that you teach your unconscious what it feels like to be this new you. You don’t believe me? Well, just experiment with it for 30 days. Get a visual and a feeling of the most beautiful powerful expression of you and focus on it at least once a day, extra points for holding a powerful posture at the same time! I’d love to know what you experience.
Make it daily game, have fun with it! After all, what do you have to lose, apart from an old idea of yourself that doesn’t serve you anymore.