With everything going on in the world we changed the theme for our blog to bring in more harmony and peace. I received a call from a customer asking me to communicate with our network and ask all people owning a Harmonizer to please activate it and program it for harmony, peace and love. We have to create peace within ourselves before we can see it on the outside.
It doesn’t matter which president we love or hate, which political party we favor, it is important right now that we focus on love, compassion, health, and peace. Answering hate with hate never did do any good. Going into fear is going to harm or even kill us. We have to trust that even if the near future may bring us more turmoil that in the end, it will be the best for all. That doesn’t mean put your head in the sand and pretend everything is just fine. It means, be smart, do what makes sense. Use your common sense, don’t believe everything you see, hear, or even think Ask questions, i.e.:
- What if this is not what it appears to be?
- What else could this mean?
- How do I know this is true?
- When I feel fear what can I be grateful for?
- What would I do to support a cause I am passionate?
- How do I know the information I have is correct?
- What if I don’t have the full information?
- What do I have control over and how do I want to use it for the best of all?
There are so many more questions you can ask yourself. These are just some ideas.
Imagine rather what future do you want to see for yourself, your children, and grandchildren. Visualize a thriving planet, happy people and animals, healthy air, soil, water, and plants. Do whatever you can to raise your vibration and those around you. It may be listening to inspiring music, go out into nature, enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a walk on the beach or in the mountains, do zoom calls with family and friends, visit friends if it is appropriate, contact people you haven’t spoken to in a long time and make peace with others and yourself.
When you own a Harmonizer, hold it between your hands like you see in the video and put your prayers and your intentions in there, always focus on the highest outcome for all. You can also program any of our Light-Life Rings. Run them through your fingers and put your intention in there, put it over a map of an area you feel needs your love the most, and trust that it will make a difference.
I truly believe that we will come out of this chaos with more understanding and compassion for each other, no matter which color, gender or nationality we are, religious or political beliefs we have, or country we live in.

I ask you to focus on peace, love, and compassion and put your intention out for the highest and best outcome for all.
Thank you.