Did you know?…

Did you know that the light field coming from our Tensor Rings imparts “livingness” to water? That enhances the “life force” when consumed or used to water plants or animals. Water changes from very acidic pH to neutral or slightly alkaline when you leave it standing in the ring for 24-48 hours. Tests show that water treated with Light-Life Tensor Rings tastes softer, cleaner, and feels purer than untreated water.

The surface tension of water is lower when a container of it is set momentarily in the light field or the Ring is held over the container. Treated water has a different crystalline structure than untreated water. The ‘light’ field above or below the Ring appears to relax the cell membranes. This allows better oxygen/nutrient/waste transport in and out of the cell.

Water sitting in a 1 Lost Cubit Heavy Ring for 4 hours then frozen

You can learn more about water-potentizing or other ways of using Light-Life Tools in the book In the Mind of a Master or in the e-book Slim Spurling’s Universe.

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