Today I am thinking about two months ago and how different my days looked. How different my routine, my expectations, my interactions. There were people coming and going from the office and workshop. I traveled regularly, but now I am here. I am surrounded by my home, my office and nature. I rarely see people but I see more of myself.
I know that I have embraced change for many years. People coming and going who offer great learning experiences. I watch for the change in the seasons and enjoy what each one brings. I enjoy having the robins back. They put their nest up right on my deck. I have not been out much on my deck for the last two weeks to not disturb them. I have many other birds around me and I enjoy their songs. Getting some plants for the office at the nursery (with a mask) was fun; it was the first time in two months that I have been around people. Doing some garden work again for the first time in years has been very enjoyable. I enjoy my dandelions very much; even though some people would consider them a weed. I love the bright yellow color coming up in my grass/lawn.

Things have been busy but I feel more at peace. I work longer hours to make sure that our customers have what they need and find that I am compelled to keep moving forward to do my part to be of assistance to the world.
During the changes in how we go about our days, we decided to still launch our new Moon Pendants. They are a gift to the wearer. The decision to launch these now was really one made from the heart. People are in the midst of major change. Some are worried that they won’t be able to go back to work soon enough. Some can’t see their loved ones. Others are too busy trying to do their part to get people the things that they need by stocking shelves, delivering packages, working a double shift at the manufacturing plant. And, there are those that are saving lives doing what they were trained for — Nurses, Doctors, Surgeons, Respiratory Therapists, Paramedics, all those in the medical field. Teachers are finding new ways to inspire their students to keep them engaged and help them through the tough time of no social interaction. Times are different and we all get to choose how we show up.
The Moon Pendants are our way to assist those who need a boost, a little more Chi Energy, to be a bit more grounded and peaceful or to release fears associated with what is going on. Plus, it is something new, something to look forward to, a new experience…new.

Our NEW Copper Moon Pendant, also available in Gold Plated and Sterling Silver.
Each day we can start by looking at the sunrise as the beginning of our new best day. A day so wonderful that the amazing yesterday is nothing compared to today. We have a choice and it is time to make it. We can choose to go back to how things were, how we were. I don’t think we can 😊. How are we going to move forward? What have we learned? What are we going to do differently in the future?
It seems to me that when given an opportunity to grow we want to take it. Let’s look at what has been and decide if that was enough or it we have more in us. More kindness to share, more love in our hearts, more time to slow down. We may find more time to read and learn something new, maybe there is time now to go for walks and appreciate what our neighbors have done with their yards. Maybe we find time to bake and deliver tasty treats to our friends and family that have been only a video on a screen.
It is time to embrace the new, embrace the change and come out the other side of all of this as an example of what and who we want to be. Be an example for our friends, neighbors, children, grand children. Be the beacon of light that someone needs, the smiling eyes they need to see, the kind words they need to hear, the love they need to feel. Connect with others in whatever way feels right and safe. Be the best version of yourself. It is time to be happy, to be new and emerge as the love and light that shines within you.
It is time! In Love and Light!