Although there are many different uses for the Light-Life Practitioner Set, the most popular application is to super potentize water. The Light-Life Practitioner Set consists of a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil, a Feedback Loop, and a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring. To go about potentizing your water, put a cup/glass, jar or pitcher of water in the ring, and hook an Acu-Vac Coil on one side and the Feedback Loop in about a 120o angle (like you see in the picture). Leave the jar in the ring overnight, and the water seems to have a higher charge, making it super potentized.

Additionally, this combination of Tools has helped people recover from a sprained ankle within hours. They put this configuration into a bucket with water and then put their injured foot inside the ring. This is one reason we highly recommend having this set with you if you’re going on a hiking trip.
Using the Practitioner Set Tools Separately
Acu-Vac Coil
The Acu-Vac Coil may help to pull out residues from an insect bite. I have personally used it when I was stung by a bee.
1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring
1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring is a great tool to have if you are taking a long road trip or a flight. Sitting on a Ring can help you stay focused or reduce jetlag. I always use one while traveling domestically and overseas, and it always works like a charm.

Placing a 1 Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring anywhere on your body may ease any discomfort in that place. For example, placing it on your stomach may help digest your food, or placing it on your head may alleviate a headache.

Feedback Loop
You can hang the Feedback Loop on your sweater or T-Shirt if you have a ‘frog in your throat’.

You can combine the Feedback Loop and the Acu-Vac Coil for a more powerful and faster way to relieve any bodily discomfort (click here for the quick video tutorial).
There are so many uses for these three tools, whether you combine them or use them separately, how many uses you find really depends on the limits of your imagination!