Here is a summary of our Environmental Energy Harmonizers as I have been asked many times which one to use for what.
Each Energy Harmonizer is a combination of Light-Life Tensor Rings and an Acu-Vac Coil shaped into a 3-dimensional sphere. This creates a unique, continuous flow of energy which increases the vibrational frequency of any nearby energy. For instance, clearing the environment and your personal energy field by generating a harmonious toroidal field around them. We create them with the intention of bringing more harmony and balance to the owner. That is to say, that they can positively influence your home, workplace, environment and can be used interchangeably to support your needs. They have been applied to cleaning up air pollution, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes. The Environmental Energy Harmonizers are said to encourage plant growth and to raise consciousness. However, we found that some work better in one area than others.
All Environmental Energy Harmonizers comes with an Environmental Clearing CD and a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring. Please always place the Harmonizer outside of the ring to let it do its work. To contain the field of the Harmonizer or to recharge it place it inside the ring.
In general, we observed that silver-plated Harmonizers work best on the invisible, for instance, emotional and mental issues, EMF, and radiation. However, the 24K gold plated ones work best on all we can see.
I will focus on our Environmental Harmonizers because those were the ones that Slim Spurling created first in the early 90s.
Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers 24K gold plated:
We have found it works best to reduce environmental pollution, divert tornadoes and hurricanes, and promote plant growth. Of course, they may also bring more harmony and balance to your home and environment. It may aid in energy sessions by placing it either under the massage table or directly on the body of the client. If you are open to making changes in your life, they can point you in the right direction. They don’t do the work for you; however, they do support your growth.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers silver-plated:
Tests showed that this one works best for reducing the harmful effects of EMF, the Hartmann Grid, and geopathic stress zones. This was confirmed by Feng Shui practitioners who learned to appreciate the results. For that purpose, you have to keep your Harmonizer activated 24/7. I have always one sitting on my desk in addition to Light-Life Rings around my Wi-Fi equipment, laptop, printer, and phone.

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers 24K gold plated:
The Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated is our recommendation for plant growth. According to reports, it works faster than the Sacred Cubit one. Avid gardeners noticed that the plants reacted positively immediately upon receiving the Lost Cubit 24K gold-plated Environmental Harmonizer in the mail. Of course, you can use this one also for other applications. For instance, in sessions, place a Harmonizer on a CD on top of your client’s body where they require the most attention. However, you can also use it for cleaning the environment, diverting tornadoes and hurricanes, and more.

Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers silver-plated:
This one has been powerful assistance in turbulent environments with mental and emotional issues. It seemed to help people calm down, see the bigger picture, and enjoy a more harmonious home.

Empowerment Cubit™ Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated:
The Empowerment Cubit Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated has multiple applications. It can serve in the same areas as the Sacred and Lost Cubit Environmental Harmonizers. In addition to they may enhance your positive intentions, increase your intuitive abilities, and connect more directly to the source of healing, light, and life.

Empowerment Cubit™ Environmental Harmonizer silver-plated:
It may offer the same support as the 24K gold plated one and in addition, it may positively affect you and people in your vicinity. Therefore it may bring you and your environment into a state of harmony and reduce the harmful effects of EMF (electromagnetic frequencies).

Final thoughts
These have been our observations as well as reports from customers and practitioners. Please trust your intuition and do what feels right to you. There is no right or wrong, they will work with you and your intentions. We also recommend our book In the Mind of a Master by Slim Spurling and Susan Anderson. It is a great reference guide and has many transcripts of talks by Slim Spurling. Also, our first book Slim Spurling’s Universe – Ancient Science Rediscovered to Restore the Health of the Environment and Mankind which is available as an e-book.