Environmental restoration: What’s needed now

Our environment suffers from the effects of pollutants caused by human activity. Many of us, naturally, want to change the course of this environmental degradation, but we may not be sure exactly what we can do.

Clearing the air

One of our most serious current environmental problems is air pollution. Moreover, continual exposure to particulate matter in the air poses high risks for both health concerns and premature deaths

The American Lung Association’s 2022 annual “State of the Air” report, using data from 2018-2020, has reported that 125 million people currently live in areas with highly polluted, unhealthy air. That’s 4 of every 10 people in the U.S.

Linking pollution and stress

We’ve long known that a damaged environment impairs health. We know we need to breathe clean air, consume safe drinking water, and avoid chemicals that cause disease. 

Perhaps, we should not be surprised, then, that researchers around the globe have also found that particulates (tiny particles of soot and ozone) may actually increase aggressive and violent behavior, by increasing the stress hormone cortisol. (SOURCE: World Economic Forum)  

Rates of aggravated assault and abusive behavior tracked alongside high rates of pollution.

Our Toxic Environment

Let’s face it. Our environment suffers from an influx of toxic contaminants and urban air pollution. It’s easy to see how our ecosystems — fields, forests, oceans, coastlines, wetlands, lakes, streams – could benefit from concerted efforts at restoration. 

Problems of our toxic environment include:

  • air pollutants (particulates, smog, radiation)
  • water shortages 
  • soil erosion
  • biodiversity loss
  • pollination threats
  • instability in historical climate patterns (fires, floods, destructive storms).

Many of these problems seem (and in fact are) bigger than one person can tackle alone. 

Our Toxic Attitudes

We see these environmental concerns reflected in negative energy that pops up all around us in daily life. People react out of fear and anxiety. It’s human nature to live defensively, and we can too easily become “triggered”. The result is a world filled with complaints, anxieties, and overwhelm. Simply put, bad vibes all around. Many times, we knowingly or unwittingly pass this fear on to those around us.

Restoring the Balance of Life

When we think of restoring ecosystems, we often think of activities like:  

  • Creating green spaces 
  • Planting trees  
  • Rehabilitating coral reefs 
  • Eradicating invasive species
  • Filtrating ground-water 

But there’s actually a lot to be said for energetic healing and the power of groups as well. 

Thanks to quantum coherence, we can harness energetic forces and multiply our efforts to clear our environment of harmful substances at the particle level.

Protecting the environment, and ourselves 

Perhaps we start by respecting the inherent intelligence of the universe. Nature often heals itself when we humans take a step back. We must learn to match our pace and vibrations to those of the natural world. 

Another step is inviting more of our friends, family, and colleagues to join us in our efforts to restore harmony. Working together we can create interventions that result in greater engagement in life as it is, resulting in greater ease and fulfillment. In March 2023 Light-Life Technology launches a huge environmental initiative to clear the pollution all across the US, so stay tuned to learn more about The Clearing Project.



World Economic Forum, “Scientists now think air pollution is fueling violent crime,” October 29, 2019. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/10/air-pollution-violent-crime/

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