When we work by ourselves, we can accomplish much; when we work together with Nature, we can accomplish anything with a focused intent.
As you may already know, or if you are new to us, here at Light-Life Technology, we are focused on restoring the health of the environment. And the health and well-being of all those who reside here.
This is a core service-oriented principle that I hold in my mind’s eye every day. I do not exist in a vacuum and believe we are all one. So why not invite in the partnership formally?
Here’s a field report from a friend who has done just that.
“On a hike with a friend by her house in the mountains, we met a large bull moose. Then, a few minutes later, we came to the momma moose and her calf. We stood still in awe of their peaceful presence. As we trekked back to her house, we couldn’t believe our luck! She began seeing them in her backyard in the days to follow. One morning, she noticed the calf’s legs were all cut up. It appeared to be a barbed wire fence incident. Hearing this news, I immediately thought of my 3 ½ Cubit Light-Life Rings. I had the idea to bring all the Light-Life tools I had over to her property, where the moose had been bedding down. I held the intent to set up ‘something’ to help the calf. We asked Nature to help us support the calf.
That afternoon turned into one of the most memorable experiences of my life. As we worked with the Tools in the field, it was incredible to feel the partnership and connectivity with all of Nature that these Tools have. My original idea of throwing two Rings out there and hoping the calf would plop down there at night, turned into a symphony of vibrational patterning that sang out the various configurations we made with the 3 ½ Cubit Rings and moving a Acu-Vac Coil vertically in the space with a ½ Sacred Cubit around the Coil. I can only describe the “music” that we felt flow into the ground and into the sky. It was in a fantastic toroidal shape. We had positively affected the entire zip code if I had to guess!” -A.S., Colorado

How inspiring, right?
It sounds so much more fun to invite Nature to partner with us when we wish to accomplish something we may not know how to if we were just “trying to figure it out” by ourselves. With focused intention and partnership with the Light-Life Tools and Nature, we might be surprised at how much greater our positive impact is!