Each morning as my employees drive into work they are greeted with the visual delights of mountain ranges, fields, horses, ponds and the idyllic countryside. Unfortunately this landscape has been been peppered with ugly enormous green structures which do their best to hide the environmentally damaging process, fracking.
Fracking is a process drilling deep into the earth and then shooting water, sand and chemicals at high speeds into rock to release gas or fuel. What might be a financial gain for the multi-billion dollar fossil fuel industry is a detrimental loss to the environment. The short term benefit can wreak havoc on our environment for years to come. This process has been linked to contaminated ground water, releasing carcinogens in the air and even is attributed to be the cause of earthquakes. Not a nice way to treat Mother Earth is it? I’m aware that people are into fracking because of the money will tell you the opposite, and have many arguments to make you believe it doesn’t do any harm. I’m sure if it wasn’t about the money they wouldn’t care.
Most of you who know me well by now, know that I wouldn’t bring light to a problem, especially one this big, without offering a new perspective. While we are all acutely aware of how much trouble our environment is in, there are millions of us who are working in the opposite direction towards peace, harmony and love for this beautiful planet. The Light-Life Tools were originally designed by Slim Spurling for this very purpose. How lucky are we, that we get to reap the benefits of these revolutionary tools while they are working hard to repair the ground, water and air around us?
The Light-Life Harmonizers are built upon the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. Using the cubit lengths originally found in the Great Pyramid of Giza, each Harmonizer serves a different purpose. The first Harmonizers Slim Spurling created were all in the Sacred Cubit measurement and they worked for cleaning the environmental atmosphere as well as for agricultural purposes, to achieve higher yield without additional pesticides. What we found once we made Harmonizers in the Lost Cubit measurement was that they worked much faster on plant growth and seemed to also be the better choice for cleaning water and soil. If you are in an area where fracking is abundant, much like where our office is in Colorado, you may want to activate your Lost Cubit Agricultural Harmonizer.

What makes the Harmonizers so special is that not only do they benefit the environment, but they benefit us as well. When you have a Harmonizer in your home or office you are continuously clearing out negative energy and replacing it with amplified scalar, or life force energy. We’ll let Slim describe the changes that often occur:
We introduced one of our very early, very primitive Agricultural Harmonizers (Sacred Cubit) into a detox center where a chiropractor friend was treating some of the inmates. He just walked in, set the Harmonizer on the director’s desk and said, “I’ll be back in a little while.” When he walked in, it was bedlam- men and women screaming and hollering, struggling with their detox symptoms. He said in two minutes flat, it was quiet in that building. Two minutes flat.
From the day I was first introduced to the tools it’s been my unwavering mission to get the tools into as many hands as possible. Think about it for a moment. If every community had a Light-Life Harmonizer and had it activated at the same time what would happen? Slim believed that we could one day achieve world peace. Were his ambitions lofty? Perhaps, but if you are ever feeling hopeless and depressed about the world around you, know that the simple action of buying a Harmonizer for yourself or a loved one can be a huge step towards that goal. Your purchase of a Light-Life Harmonizer could reduce the harmful effects of fracking and that is no small feat! We may never be able to convince corporations or administrations to change their ways, but do not lose faith. It was a very wise man who once said “We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.”
Please activate your Harmonizer or consider buying one today not only for yourself, but for the health of our planet. As always, I want to hear how this is working for you. Please be sure to share your experiences on our Facebook wall.