In our Song of the Soul Pendant, we use all three cubit measurements: Sacred, Lost, and the Empowerment Cubit. The result is a very delicate and beautiful piece of jewelry.
If you’ve ever felt held back from moving forward, this could be your key.
- Have you caught yourself repeating unwanted behaviors?
- Do you sometimes feel you are continuing ancestral patterns?
- Is it hard for you to replace dysfunctional habits with supportive ones?
If you resonate with any of these questions, the Song of the Soul Pendant may be the right choice for you. Our research group has released generational patterns and experienced profound impacts on a subconscious level by clearing out unwanted habits with this Pendant. It does this by replacing outdated patterns with ones that support you and your life purpose best.
We have named it Song of the Soul, as it is said to create clear, concise, and loving communication between you and those around you. By wearing the Song of the Soul Pendant, you may feel the support in realigning to your best self.

Could this be your key to freedom for your soul?
We found that by connecting you into your soul, the harmonizing vibrational frequencies attune your consciousness to the reality of your soul. Over time, one could experience increased clarity, a feeling of more awakened consciousness and a greater sense of well-being.
“I immediately noticed how potent the Song of the Soul Pendant is for me. I had only been wearing it for about a week when I took a trip to Las Vegas, NV. Swimming through the sea of people on the strip, I felt completely protected from other people’s energy interfering with my own. I sensed a protective bubble around my aura. This to me, was the ultimate test. I noticed that I was unscathed energetically and was still in a good mood when I returned to my room.
JFL Loveland, CO
I felt a difference in my way of thinking, all within a few short weeks of wearing it. It seemed to put me on a different level of consciousness. I felt more self aware and it pointed me in a direction of self growth. Which can be a difficult thing to do on one’s own.”