Welcome November!
The bold colors of October have given way to the subtlety of a palette of browns, grays and earth tones. The last leaves have fallen and the branches have become bare silhouettes against the sky, as another cycle is coming to completion. The holidays are just around the corner. And in keeping with that we want to express my gratitude for my loyal employees in the shop who proudly produce the highest quality of the Light-Life Tools, to my team in the office that provide exceptional customer service and support me with all my projects and of course to you, our loyal customers, who help us to fulfill our mission of ‘Harmonizing the World – One Community at a Time!’ We couldn’t do what we are doing without your generous support. Thank YOU! And most of all of course, my deepest gratitude to my late husband, Slim Spurling, for creating the Light-Life Tools.
Today we’ll focus on the Light-Life Tensor Rings – the tools that were the start of Life-Light Technology. They were the first prototype that Slim developed in 1991. At the time he did not fully grasp their full potential, but trusted the process and allowed it all to unfold. Over time, the feedback that Slim received helped to encouraged him to continue with evolving and developing the Light-Life Tools.

In their own right, the rings are amazing tools and offer many different energy applications. According to people who use them regularly, each cubit size has a different energetic influence and allows for specific intentions of use.
- The Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings address the physical state.
- The Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings address the mental/emotional state.
- The Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings address the metaphysical/spiritual state.
Each cubit ring measurement is offered in multiple sizes from small (3.25” across) to very large (30” across) making them extremely versatile and easy to use. The active part of the ring is the open space, the tensor field which is based on quantum physics. Energy emits from both sides of the ring creating a column of light. The heavier gauge rings have a stronger tensor field.
In making all of our original Slim Spurling’s Light-Life Tools, we embed a healing frequency. Slim’s energy, intention and support permeate in them as well. Slim spent many years researching the field of subtle energy, working with gifted clairvoyants and using resources to test and confirm the actions of the tools. He listened to and documented field reports from users while he further experimented to develop the best possible products that were shown to be effective.
We at Light-Life Technology would like to offer our support and assistance with your purchase and we are here to answer any questions that you may have. Over time we have collected many testimonials and validation on how Light-Life Tools have changed people’s lives and life experience. Let us know what your experience is!
Here are some suggested uses for the Light-Life Rings:
- Wear a 1/2 cubit ring around your wrist to help combat discomfort from overuse
- Wear a 1/2 cubit ring on your belt to support discomfort in your back
- Place a ring under or around your water glass to structure your water in sacred geometry
- Wear a 1/2 cubit ring around your left arm when working on a computer, it may reduce blood agglutination
- Sit on a ring when traveling to help reduce fatigue and jetlag
- Have someone do an aura shower on you with a 3 1/2 Cubit copper ring
- Sit on a ring when working to help you stay focused
- Place a 1/2 cubit ring over the gas fill pipe on your car
- Place a 3 1/2 cubit ring under your massage table or under the chair, you use during client sessions to support the session
- Place a ring under potted plants to encourage their growth
For more information on our full line of Life-Light Tools
visit https://www.lightlifetechnology.com
While you are there sign up for our newsletter so can stay in the loop for
promotions or workshops. You can also access some very informative youtube
videos: http://bit.ly/31OGEBS
We at Light-Life Technology want you to have the best experience possible and usher
in your highest energy potential. Enjoy November’s quietude and find
appreciation in the small things! Be well.
Warm regards,