Goals and Numerology – January 2019

2019 Goals and Numerology


As we work our way through the first month of the year I looked to see what the numbers in numerology mean for us, 2+0+1+9 = 12, 1+2=3. 2019 is a 3 year.  Below are some interpretations of the number 3. It’s powerful!

Three is the first number to which the meaning “all” was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end. The power of three is universal and is the tripartite nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit; Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Of course I can’t help but think of our Slim Spurling Light-Life Tools when I read heaven, earth and waters.

So what does this mean for you? With 3 being a powerful number you can make great things happen in your life. You can choose to regain your health, create more peace in your life and follow your hearts desires to live the life you choose to live.

This year as you look to the future and put together goals to help guide you, be sure to incorporate your Light-Life Tools.

You can use the Harmonizers to enhance your home and make your space more peaceful or use the Acu-Vac Coils and Feedback Loops to reduce discomfort in your body.  The Light-Life Rings can be used to re-energize, potentize water and get more restful sleep.

If you are looking to complete some goals in 2019, use the Lost 1 Cubit Heavy Light-Life Ring as a manifesting ring. Of course you don’t need a Light-Life Ring to manifest, but it can be helpful to increase your life force energy when affirming your goals out loud.

This ring is about 7″ in diameter and is made with a heavier gauge copper wire that produces a stronger energy field.

Be very clear and direct when using the Manifesting Ring. You can wear it over your head like a necklace or you can hold it to your chest as you speak to strengthen the energy around what you are manifesting.

People report amazing results. For example, you may have heard me tell the story of one associate who had her car stolen and spoke into the ring that she wanted her car to be found by midnight that night. About 2 weeks later she got her car back. When she looked into how the car was recovered, she found out that her car was found at 11:45 on the night that she used the ring, but due to a clerical error, was not returned to her for 2 weeks. Perhaps she could have asked for her car to be returned to her rather than found.

If you are ready to kick start 2019, learn about geopathic stress reduction as well as experience the Light-Life Tools, attend our upcoming workshop April 5 – 7, 2019. This is a rare opportunity as Scott Anderson comes only once a year when he comes. You don’t want to miss his teachings; he is an expert in Slim Spurling’s method of Geopathic Stress Reduction. I’m excited that this time he is joined by his wife Susan, the co-author of In the Mind of a Master. Susan is an artist and also is an experienced dowser and has worked with Scott in clearing homes and properties. You will have one day learning about the Light-Life Tools with an option for a session on a massage table or working with one another on a chair. For details on the workshop and to register please Click Here.

May this be the best year of your life and bring you more of what makes you happy and content!

Warm Regards,


PS: In case you haven’t heard it – it takes not 21 days but between 66 – 254 days to change a habit! So don’t be discouraged – be patient with yourself.

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