I’m confident you know that water is important. Any physician, scientist, healer or layperson knows the significance of water and what it means to our health. What I find interesting is just how crucial water is to our everyday lives and how many, myself included, can often take it for granted! The USGS (United States Geological Survey, a division of the U.S. government) has determined that the earth is composed of 71% water and 96.5% of that water is our salty ocean tides. Of that remaining 3.5% water remaining, over 80% of that is tied up in glaciers or ground water so deep it’s inaccessible for human consumption. Doesn’t leave a lot left for drinking water does it?

This precious natural resource is essential to our survival, our health and our wellbeing. The U.S. National Institute of Medicine has produced many research papers on why hydration is so important. I also enjoyed reading this article by Positive Health Wellness on how much water we should be drinking each day. The International Water Association has created an online library of studies known as Water Intelligence Online. While I’m extremely grateful for all this readily shared knowledge, I’m a visual learner. This is why I find the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto so powerful.

It was in 1994 that Dr. Emoto, a researcher who devoted his life’s work to the study of water, came up with the idea to freeze water to view the crystalline structure underneath a microscope. In his own words, Dr. Emoto quickly realized that tap water would not produce any crystalline effect, even when frozen. After a series of experiments he and his team decided to use distilled hospital grade water (or as he puts it, ‘pure water’) for their studies. In the image here you can see an image of frozen tap water does indeed not have any crystal structure due to the impurities found in the tap water.

Fast forward to present day, over 20 years later, and I had the fortuitous encounter with Mrs. Akiko Stein, a student of the late Dr. Masaru Emoto. Mrs. Stein had conducted many experiments with Dr. Emoto and earned her degree in water studies under his tutelage. Dr. Emoto and Mrs. Stein were acutely aware of our water shortage on the planet and both have devoted their energy and talents towards being part of the solution. When Mrs. Stein and I first met I was able to fondly tell her of the Light-Life Tools and our primary purpose – Harmonizing the World – One Community at a time. Akiko’s eyes lit up when she discovered our mission of restoring the earth back to its natural bounty included water and how potentizing water is a part of this cause.

Slim describes potentizing water in great lengths in our book, In the Mind of a Master. Here are his thoughts on how this process is achieved using the Light-Life Tools and why it is so important:
A Light-Life Ring increases the available energy in the water instantaneously. It causes water to emit light and it causes an expansion of the atomic radius. Now this is a deductive process. The way we came to this was through the use of an instrument, which would detect the change or increase in the available light being emitted from water. In other words, water has a certain level of energy as it sits in the glass, or exists in your water pipes, or a lake or stream.
What we found is that the rings cause an increase in energy, which manifests as an increase in full spectrum light all the way from infrared on up to ultra violet. But the increase in light energy can only occur if the electron orbit expands, rotates at a greater distance from the nucleus, and then falls back slightly to the next energy level. And when it falls back to the next energy level, it emits a photon. So, here’s this little bitty energy package we call an atom with electrons whirling around it. They encounter the energy field of the ring. That expands; the electrons have a larger orbit. They fall back to their natural state and emit energy in the form of light.
The quantum effects have been studied instrumentally including spectral output of light from treated water in growth studies and taste tests, and verified or confirmed by psychic observation. The light field imparts “livingness” to water, which enhances the “life force” when consumed or used to water plants or animals. Water changes from very acidic pH to neutral or slightly alkaline when left standing in the ring for 24-48 hours. Taste tests show that water treated with a ring is softer, cleaner, and feels purer than untreated water.
The surface tension of water is lower when a container of it is set momentarily in the light field, or the ring is held over the container. Treated water has a lower freezing point and a different crystalline structure than the ice of untreated water. Take two identical glasses of water with ice cubes at your lunch table, set one in a ring, the other a foot or so away, and see which melts first!
Psychics and radionics operators verify greater ‘vitality’ of water. The rings cause water to fluoresce. These quantum light effects have been studied instrumentally and confirmed through psychic observation. The ‘light’ field above or below the ring appears to relax the cell membranes to allow better oxygen/nutrient/waste transport in and out of the cell.

Slim’s description of the scientific effects may be hard to follow for some, but they are essential explanations to the scientific community. We are extremely grateful for Akiko Stein as she is able to capture Slim’s research in beautiful imagery. As previously mentioned, Dr. Emoto himself has said that it’s impossible to achieve a crystalline structure with water if it only comes from the tap. After months of trial and error he determined that he’d only be using hospital grade distilled water for his experiments moving forward. In my opinion, Akiko’s images are nothing short of a miracle. As water runs through the tap through a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring, a small crystal formation can be observed instantaneously.

After 15 minutes of tap water sitting in the ring the crystal structure seems to coagulate further. The image of water sitting in the ½ Sacred Cubit LIght-Life Ring overnight really astounds me. My team was quick to point out that it resembles imagery of Dr. Emoto’s previous experiments with the intention of “truth” using 100% distilled (‘pure water’).

I’m hopeful you can truly understand the significance of these photographs and what they mean to the world. While pollution continues to be a problem and resources become more precious than ever, we now have the ability (in my opinion and hopefully yours) to produce structured water to the masses in a very easy way. I strongly encourage you to buy a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring for yourself and for your loved ones. Simply put the ring over your tap in the bathroom, your kitchen, your garden hose or any other water source you use. You can then ‘potentize’ water, as Slim describes above, by leaving water in a Light-Life Ring overnight. For a visual reference please see the image below! We have a Practitioner’s Set available on our website which includes a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring, a Sacred Cubit Feedback Loop and a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil. These three things used in tandem create ‘super potentized’ water which gives an extra boost and produces results every more quickly.

As always, please share your findings with us. The most powerful tool we have, besides all of Slim’s amazing inventions, is you! We are so enthusiastic about what the tools can do for your health, but it is by you sharing your testimonials that we are able to spread the word and get the Light-Life Tools in as many hands as possible. Thank you so much for your continued love and support! We appreciate you and our rapidly growing worldwide community.

good article Katharina. I have always tried to say a prayer over my water before I drink it. I have your ring on my kitchen tap. Thanks
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Thank you Randy! We appreciate your love and support. Please help spread the word on how potentized water can add so many benefits to our health!
Great article. Am curious about the pic where Slim appears to giving a lecture. If it exists online in video could I get a link? Thanks!
Hello Kirst,
The image is from a workshop which isn’t posted online. You can find some really great videos with Slim explaining the tools on our You Tube channel. Here’s one to get you started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1_SC0t0PYc&index=4&list=PL9089B1141B2F6EBE
Better yet, sign up for our upcoming workshop in February. Details are on our website under EVENTS.