I’d like to share with you which Harmonizer is best for geopathic stress and EMF and how it was we discovered this.
Many years ago, I was teaching a workshop in the Black Forrest of Germany. When I arrived, it was found that the router for the venue was in our workshop room, and we were not allowed turn it off. The organizer was quite upset because of the exposure to EMF it caused the participants. She also found some geopathic stress lines and the Hartmann Grid when she was dowsing the location.
We put a Light-Life Tensor Ring around the router right away to immediately help block the EMF. Once we unpacked all the Light-Life Tools, we decided to do an experiment and see if one of the Energy Harmonizer would also help block the EMF because we noticed the Ring alone wasn’t strong enough. We put each Harmonizer in the Tensor Ring that it comes with. We then took the Tensor Ring off the router because we wanted to check the router’s energy field. Obviously, it was very strong.
The Results
We determined that the Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, silver plated, when activated, blocked the EMF from the router the best. While the Agricultural tested a bit better, we didn’t find it so significant to justify recommending only that size Harmonizer. We also dowsed to see how each Harmonizer affected the geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid. We were in for a great surprise. Geopathic stress lines had disappeared with the silver plated Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer.

Now, having said that, if you have any of our Energy Harmonizers, please remember to program them for what you need them to do. Check with dowsing if your programming worked. If you don’t dowse just trust your feeling and observe over the next few days if you noticed positive changes.
I am sharing this with you to encourage you to get creative and find your own ways in testing which Tools are the best for you in your environment and your situation. Everyone is different and for me it is really important that you always trust your own intuition and choose what feels right to you. We give recommendations that are based on our own experiences and the reports from customers. So, please, share your own experiences with us so we all can learn and try something new. BTW – this is the fun part about participating in live workshops. Participants share their experiences, and some are extraordinary. Also, some ideas are shared that I would never have thought of.
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