
Harmony | Light-Life TechnologyI have chosen to focus my intention for the month of July on Harmony. Harmony is a resonance and a feeling that things are how they should be. Harmony within us is an inner peace, a flow to our lives that feels right, positive and moving in a direction that brings about joy.

We are free to choose to live in a harmonious state of joy and happiness or a state of fear and negativity. We can be in the flow of our highest and best good or stuck in a spot without growth.

Slim once said that we cannot be in harmony if we have our mind on war. I believe this; thinking and focusing on something negative only brings about more negative. It is important to shift our focus from that which is not what we would like it to be into something that is positive and in harmony with how we choose to be.

In an effort to create more harmony both personal and environmental, Slim created Harmonizers.

  • He created Environmental Harmonizers to assist clearing air pollution, earth energies and create a more harmonious atmosphere. Farm fields may flourish in its environment – plants may grow lush, full and strong; birds, beneficial bugs, butterflies and worms thrive; and all life forms in the area prosper as they receive its beneficial energy. He created the Agricultural Harmonizer to function the same as the environmental but with a wider range.*

Slim created Personal Harmonizers for our own individual energies.

  • Personal Harmonizer may affect an area of approximately 5 – 25 feet around and through our bodies. It’s range depends on which one you choose. It is our own personal bio-field that may be strengthened and enhanced by the light force energies.*

(* – http://www.slimspurling.com/slimsuniverse/harmonizers.html)

During July let’s focus on harmony and use our Harmonizers to enhance the energies in our bodies and our environment. Together we’re Harmonizing The World – One Community at a time.

In Love and Light,

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