Greetings and blessing to everyone!
I am sharing with you some ideas and information about our Energy Harmonizers that may be helpful for you in protecting yourself and your loved ones during this coronavirus pandemic. Before I do that, I ask you to look back in history. You don’t have to go very far. We’ve had all kinds of challenges and threats – may it be economical, financial or health wise. We came through all of it, didn’t we? I invite you to stay calm, in peace and positive. This is a situation where we can only be smart to be safe, i.e. taking enough Vitamin C and D and any others your health care provider suggests to you. Drink enough water and make food choices that promote health for your immune system, i.e. stay away from too much sugar and processed foods, etc. And exercise to maintain strength for your whole body.
The coronavirus outbreak reminded me that when SARS hit Hong Kong, Slim immediately made a Cosmic Washtub Harmonizer (our largest Harmonizer with a one Sacred Cubit Harmonizer inside a one Lost Cubit Harmonizer) with the intention to help remedy SARS effects. He sent it off to a friend in Hong Kong together with the Environmental Clearing CD. Shortly after his friend activated the Washtub (by playing the frequency of the CD through the Washtub) SARS was over.. It came back for a short period of time when Slim’s friend was on vacation and the CD player broke while he was gone. He bought a new one and according to his friend that was the end of SARS in his area. Now, those not familiar with the power of our Harmonizer might question that. However, the story doesn’t end here.

The same year we went to the West Coast Dowsers conference in Santa Cruz, California. An Asian woman approached Slim and said to him ‘you took care of the SARS outbreak, didn’t you?’ It turned out that she was very concerned about the outbreak. In her dream she was told not to worry and that an American would take care of it. She was shown a picture of Slim from the side and when she saw him in person, she knew that was the man she saw in her dream. I still get a chill writing this because I was awe stuck as I witnessed the encounter. Take it for what it is worth to you.
However, if you have any of our Harmonizers please activate them with the intention to have your environment clean and clear of the coronavirus. Wouldn’t it be worth a try?!
Another experience that comes to mind is when the Anthrax danger spread across the US, Slim put a piece of puffball mushroom inside his Personal Harmonizer. He received some herbal knowledge from a Native American who told him that the puffball mushroom has antibacterial and antiviral properties. He used puffball mushrooms in the 90s to clean a house and property from an Anthrax attack. You most likely don’t have access to puffball mushroom that’s why I recommend using any remedy with antiviral properties and place it inside the Harmonizer. When it is a liquid, I would put a few drops on a cotton wool pad and place it inside. Also remember to use your intention.

The reason this seems to work is because our Energy Harmonizers work like radionic devices, meaning they can send out the information you put in them. You can use also write your affirmations and prayers down and stick the piece of paper in your Harmonizer.
No matter what size of Harmonizer you own, the applications are only limited by your imagination. Let us know what you’re doing, and we’d be happy to share.
Please read other posts about Harmonizers – their uses and applications as well as stories and testimonials from around the world.
Brilliant and thank you! Slim, sooo proud of you, is grinning for sure. He loved a challenge and you are meeting them with grace and wisdom as well. Blessings 🙏