As we wrap up the month of March, I’d like us to revisit our intention of cleansing and renewal. How did it go for you? At the office we threw out some of our old ideologies and habits for new ones, most of which you’ve seen in our new communication style. It’s been so fun having Jacqueline, our new Marketing Director, join the team. She brings fresh eyes to our products and a sense of curiosity. When she mentioned that she wanted to explore color in this week’s blog at first I didn’t quite understand the significance of the topic.
Color is defined as the quality of an object with respect to the light reflecting off or emitting from the object. An interesting description as many of us take color for granted everyday. If anything color is an illusion as it’s simply a reflection and nothing more. What makes it even more fascinating is that it relates back to light and light speed. Green operates at a frequency of 526-606 terahertz, THz or 526-606 trillion hertz. To refresh your knowledge on frequencies from our previous blog post, anger operates at 32 Hz while love operates at a much higher frequency of 528 Hz. Now try wrapping yourself around something operating in the trillions of that speed! Light, specifically eye visible color, travels extremely fast.
Not only is green speedy, but it has significant meaning. As we get our cubit lengths from the Great Pyramid, it seems fitting to review their perception on this vibrant tone. Green seemed to be a protectant and green makeup, crafted using crushed malachite, was placed around the eyes to ward off evil. It was also seen as the color as vegetation and growth which was marked by the use for the papyrus leaf in hieroglyphics to symbolize the color.

Green is a perfect choice for the month of March as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and the coming of spring. We can’t wait to watch the rolling brown hills of Colorado slowly, but surely come back to life in the vivacious hue. Green is also is the color adopted by many environmental organizations, such as the aptly named Greenpeace. As we watch the cold frost slowly slip away to make room for bright new blooms we’ll be sure to activate our Light-Life Environmental Harmonizers. Slim’s journey started with a mission to help alleviate the planet from air pollution. One of his first inventions was the Harmonizer. He was also aware of the fact that not only do our harmonizers restore balance to the planet, but they can restore our personal physical, emotional and spiritual realms back to balance.
Next time you find yourself in nature be sure to take in all the greenery, breathe deep and give thanks to this gorgeous planet we call home. By joining us on our journey to harmonize the world you aren’t only giving yourself the gift of good health, but you are playing a crucial role in bringing Mother Earth back into equilibrium. May you enter into spring renewed, cleansed and ready to take on the next adventure!

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