Tip of the Month: Living in Sync with the Lunar Cycles

Are you living in sync with the lunar cycles? People understand astrology in terms of the sun. But what about the moon? The changing face of the moon affects you on a regular tangible basis. There are eight lunar phases the moon goes through as it completes a full orbit around the earth every 29.5 days. Along the moon’s journey, our personalities, our emotions, and our lives are affected by each lunar phase.

Just as the moon controls the tides of the ocean, the moon’s energy can tug on our daily lives. Living in sync with the lunar cycles can make your life easier and more productive. It can also contribute to a healthier lifestyle. I’d like to tell you a story:

My granddad was an herbalist, and he saved many people’s lives by making them teas for their health issues. He was also very familiar with the lunar cycle and knew exactly at which phase of the moon to harvest different parts of a plant to prepare the right tea for his clients.

I had forgotten about granddad’s knowledge and hadn’t paid much attention to the moon, until friends gave me a book to read about the lunar cycles. I tested several of the suggestions in the book and it sure made my life easier. Let me share some with you some tips that I feel can be beneficial.

Personal Care

• Right before a full moon, take time for facials that are nourishing to your skin
• After a full moon, find a few moments to exfoliate and help diminish acne
• There are certain days of the month for haircuts to give more volume or faster growth


• Cleaning windows after a full moon can be done in ¼ of the time with no streaks; e.g. I only use water and newspaper to dry it off
• Laundry done after a full moon seems to need less detergent and stain removing is more effective
• You can also find best days for canning


• There are different days to grow and harvest leafy vegetables and salads versus root vegetables
• Transplanting and re-potting done before full moon is very favorable
• Additionally, weeding after full moon helps keep the weeds away longer

I gave you just a quick overview as there are many more applications that assist with self-care rituals, cleansing of the body and mind, strengthening the aura and chakras, completing construction work, having medical procedures, and much more. If you are interested in learning more about about living in sync with the lunar cycles, a good book to start with is: The Power of Timing: Living in Harmony with Natural and Lunar Cycles by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppel. You can also check the Farmer’s Almanac for useful information on how the moon may affect your health.

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