The Light-Life® Tools are purchased and used all over the world. We’re so lucky to have such a powerful community of healers, scientists, psychologists and open-minded individuals. Each month I’ll start investigating some of the places we’ve traveled and some of the places I’d like to visit someday. It was easy to settle on Ireland this month as we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday, March 17.
Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, played a major role in the Industrial Revolution of the early 20th century. It is the birthplace of the infamous Titanic which met it’s end in 1912 after hitting an iceberg off the icy shores of Canada. Belfast was a global industrial center that supported innovation and construction of the aerospace and missiles industries until the early 1960s.
“The Troubles”, as they’re coined, started when The Protestants of Northern Ireland aligned themselves with Britain and insisted that the area break apart and become part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, or the southern part of the country, was predominantly Catholic and was insistent upon a unified Irish front. This civil war erupted and lasted a good 30 years before an agreement was made in 1998. Under the “Good Friday Agreement” peace was finally achieved. Not only would I love to visit this amazing city for all the sounds, sights and smells, but it would be an opportunity for me to visit “The Giant’s Ring.” Last but not least, it would be an opportunity to visit my dear friend Eamon and his family.
“The Giant’s Ring” was a henge (think Stonehenge) built in the Neolithic period. Henges are still a mystery to most and there is great debate to their purpose. Talk to any dowser long enough and they will happily give you a key to the riddle. Much like we can detect Geopathic Stress utilizing dowsing methods, we can also detect vortices. A vortex will have either a negative or positive spin on it, depending on how the energy is flowing. Churches and henges were often built atop positive vortices. You could enter the center of the ring to get a shot of positive energy. It makes sense that no signs of habituation are detected in any of the henges found in the world. Too much of a good thing can actually be damaging and you wouldn’t want to stand in the ring for sustained amounts of time.

Don’t have time for a visit to a henge? Try taking an aura shower instead. Start with the 3 ½ Heavy Sacred Cubit Ring (roughly the size of a hula hoop) and slowly move this from above your head to your feet. Let the ring rest on the ground. Now pick up the 3 ½ Heavy Lost Cubit Ring which is a bit bigger and perform the same action: moving slowing from your head to your feet. How do you feel? Did the energy shift for you?
Many of us won’t have an opportunity to visit Ireland or a henge anytime soon, but it’s fascinating to learn that St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated internationally. In fact, it is the largest celebrated national holiday all over the world. Many plan festivities around this day, but ask someone the significance of the occasion and you’ll often be greeted with blank states.
Did you know that Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is not of Irish descent? Irish pirates kidnapped him from his home in England to tend to the sheep and fields of Northern Ireland. After escaping for his British home he later returned back to Ireland as a Christian missionary. A large volume of his work is undocumented, but he is said to have converted many kings and queens to the faith. He was also said to have significantly helped the poor. Although a valiant effort, St. Patrick was unable to eradicate the Pagan and Celtic practices in Ireland. For this I’m grateful as although change is inevitable, tradition has its place. It’s interesting to see a swing back to older theologies and a new respect for long forgotten dogma.
Wherever you travel next I would love to hear from you. Mindfulness is a consciousness that is quickly spreading across the globe. Our intention based tools are easy to pack and I’d love to hear from our readers and their experiences in far off places. Until then we wish you a very happy St. Patrick’s Day and hope that your day, however celebrated, is filled with many blessings.
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