Ask Katharina: I Have Been Dealing with Negative Self-Talk

Katharina –

I have been dealing with negative self-talk and I was wondering if there is a Tool or a Pendant, that could help me gain more positivity towards myself? You know, the whole world-wide situation is having a toll on me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time,


Advice on Dealing with Negative Self-Talk


Thank you for your email. I appreciate your question because you’re not alone. Many are faced with challenges these days and it is easy to go down a negative spiral.

Here is what helps me: I don’t watch the news or read the paper. They all seem to say the same and I am very visual, so stressful pictures haunt me for a very long time. Instead, I focus on how I would like the world to be and how I want other people to interact with me. Every morning, I write down and visualize how I want my day to go. If I have meetings scheduled, I picture them being productive and
a win for all involved. I write down what I’m going to accomplish and see it all in a positive light.

Now, I understand this may sound a bit hard to do and it is in the beginning. However, it is so worth it if you make an effort to practice it.

You were asking for a Tool and, of course, I have some recommendations for you. To help with the negative self-talk, our Pyramid Pendant comes to mind. If you experience yourself being a ‘chronic’ grumpy person, that may be the perfect choice for you. If you need a mood booster, our Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer, gold or silver plated, or our Unity Personal Harmonizer would both be a good choice. Last, but not least, our Moon Pendant is a heart opener and if you feel your heart area is shut down, I would go with this one. Use your intuition in choosing the right Tool for you.

I wish you the very best and that you soon start giving yourself positive self-talks. Look in the mirror and smile. It helps! I know from experience.



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