Some of my friends told me that during times of stress, fear and uncertainty, they go within and connect with white light. White light has a cleansing energy that surrounds you with peace. I recommend that if you too are feeling uneasy, go within and surround yourself with white light.

This may sound so simple. It’s easy to test yourself, just remember to set your intention as you do it.
One example, in the morning while you take your shower, visualize yourself also getting a shower of white light that protects you. Another example focus during your meditation on placing a protective shield of white light around you and your loved ones, your property, your cars, your business, etc. radiating out as far as you want. These work for me.
I’d like to share a true story that shows you the power of white light. A friend of mine lived in Australia during one of the fires and he had to be evacuated at 2 am in the morning. He told me going up the hill to his neighbors he turned around and looked at his house thinking poor house. He then said, “let me put white light around you.” Well, the next day he went down to look at his house. To the amazement of the fire fighters and him, his house was protected, even the hot water tank that was outside of the house. It just showed black signs of flames on the wood but no damage. Everything else outside the house was burnt down, but his house was saved. No joke, white light worked for him.
I don’t know if you ever flown over the big Island of Hawaii. You’d see a remarkable spot with a house surrounded by lava. The guide told us that the owner wasn’t going to evacuate assuring the rescue team he’d be save and he was. I don’t know what he did but it shows the power of our intentions, our thoughts and our beliefs. During this challenging time and any time, it is always a good idea to focus on what we want vs. going into fear. You’ll be amazed at the miracles setting your intentions will bring.

Aerial view of lava flows from the eruption of volcano Kilauea on Hawaii, May 2018
Light-Life Tools can help you stay calm and centered and send out good vibrations, because I’m sure you’d agree that this is what we need right now more than ever.