Slim’s favorite Light-Life Tools were of course the Harmonizers. In the twenty years I knew Slim he was never without his Personal Harmonizer. He put it on every morning just like his breeches (jeans) and took off at night in the same way. His Personal Harmonizer actually changed its form over time. This can happen with any Harmonizer and just means that the Harmonizer is working hard to protect you. It keeps your energy field in the state of harmony and may divert less beneficial energies. It’s amazing to see.

Slim’s Kit
Slim also never left the house without an Acu-Vac Coil and a ½ and a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring in his pocket. He would put the ring under his coffee cup and the Acu-Vac Coil would always find a good use.

For example, when Slim saw that the waiter had some health issues, he would ask him what’s going on. The man complained about a shoulder hurting and Slim gave him the Acu-Vac Coil. Slim told him to put it under his armpit with the bead showing down. By the time we finished our meal, the man came back with a surprised look on this face because the issue was dissolved. Another time there was a complaint about back issues. Again, Slim took out the coil and had the man tuck it into his belt right around the area of the discomfort. And, you guessed it, it didn’t take long and there was major improvement.
Other examples of how Slim used his favorite Light-Life Tools on a daily basis.
If Slim learned about heart issues a person had, he would give the person his ½ Sacred Cubit Ring to wear in their shirt pocket over the heart. We have many reports of heart issues improving by simply wearing the ring over the heart. My heart occasionally beats faster than I like it. I put a ½ Sacred Cubit Ring in my bra over my heart and within a short time it normalizes its beat.
One of the great stories about Slim’s favorite Light-Life Tools took place in Venezuela. We both were invited; he gave a workshop on the tools, and I gave a Metamorphosis workshop. Our friends took us with a group of their friends to the beach. One of the young women fell over a rock and hurt her foot so badly that she could hardly step on it. Slim folded his 6 feet 4 inches, went down on his knees and started working on her foot. Again, his favorite 1 Sacred Cubit ring and the Acu-Vac Coil came to rescue. The young lady soon started feeling much better and was able to walk again.
Learn more about Slim’s Light-Life Tools in the book In the Mind of a Master
If you read the book In the Mind of a Master, you may remember the story of another good use of Slim’s favorite Light-Life Tools. He had dinner with Jeanne, his wife at the time, when a couple entered the restaurant arguing very loudly. They sat down near Slim and continued their loud arguments. Slim didn’t like that at all. He took his Acu-Vac Coil out and placed it on the table with the intention to pull out the negative stuff. Bingo! It worked! The couple changed and left the restaurant laughing.
On flights he would sit on his 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring to avoid jet lag. By the way – this works really well. I do the same, and friends who tried it reluctantly did not want to return the ring I gave them to test for themselves.
I am forever grateful for Slim creating the Light-Life Tools and the benefits people and the planet are receiving on a daily basis. If you don’t have any, start with “Slim’s Kit”. It’s so worth it.