Solutions, where do they come from and how do we allow them when situations arise? All too often we are going about our day and “something” comes up. We have a choice at this point. What meaning are we giving the situation? What do we believe about it? What we believe about the situation or the “something” is going to determine how we feel about it and how we react to it. Is a solution readily available or will we be stuck for a bit thinking about it? Do we really know what we belief is true or are we just making assumptions? How about, we give it a different meaning; one that serves us better? I know that there is no problem without a solution.
I am very solution-oriented woman. What I have learned it not to focus on the problem but instead looking at what outcome I want for the problematic situation. My focus is on creating a win-win for all involved. Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve a problem with the same thinking we used when we created them. My late husband, Slim Spurling, was committed to finding a solution for the devastating air pollution in Denver, Colorado in the early 90s. His focus was on the solution not hanging on to the problem. And he succeeded by creating the Light-Life Harmonizers. Energy goes where our focus is! This is not new age this is physics. And I agree, some situations are out of our control. However, we always have a choice as to how we react to it. Are we feeling helpless like a victim or are we resourceful and committed to finding solutions?
Here are some suggestions that have worked for me:
- You can hand it over to God or the higher power you believe in and ask for divine solution, divine resolution, and divine conclusion and trust that it will be there when you need it.
- You can go into silence and ask for an answer.
- Many great scientist and inventors went to bed with their problems and woke up with a solution in the morning. You don’t have to be a scientist or famous person to have it work for you as well.
- You can use our Lost Cubit Light-Life Tensor Manifestation Ring and ask for a solution that is for the highest good of all.
- You can put your prayer on a piece of paper and tuck it in your Harmonizer with the intention to receive a solution.
- If you have been following our newsletters and blogs for a while you know that we put the Harmonizer on a map of an area where there is danger of a hurricane coming down and it diverted.
Whatever you choose to do make sure to go into your heart, away from fear and into the knowing that there is a solution for every problem in the world. Use your tools to assist in your journey and create an environment of peace and harmony for you, your home, your family, and your community.
The Light-Life Tools can be wonderful way to bring in solutions as well as hold a space for them. To assist you with both personal and environmental energy, I decided to gift you a Mini Unity Harmonizer with the purchase of a Matrix 44 Harmonizer and a standard size Unity Personal Harmonizer with the purchase of a Matrix 22 Harmonizer for a limited time. This way you can experience the benefits of peace and harmony in and around your home as well as wherever you go.

Plus, you will receive Free Shipping until the end of October. It is a perfect time to try a new tool.
Enjoy creating solutions!