Oh! fragrant is the breath of May
In tranquil garden closes,
And soft yet regal is her sway
Among the springtide roses.
~ William Hamilton Hayne, American poet (1856–1929)
Welcome May! The sun is invigorating, birds are singing, flowers are blossoming and the garden is thriving. Mother Nature’s multitude of colorful flowers is so inspiring this time of year! There is a story and symbolism behind each bloom, but the profound symbolism of the Lotus flower seems to have especially captured the human imagination and spirit like no other!
All of the Light-Life Tools are based upon the principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics. Both the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life are universal symbols of sacred geometry. Ancient civilizations used a form with seven circles to create what they called the Seed of Life. When multiplied and extrapolated, it is a basic component of the Flower of Life’s design. In this season of flowers and harmony, we would like to share some history and shine some light on our Lotus Pendants.

The concept for the Lotus Pendants came about 8 years ago from the desire to create a more personal way to use the Seed of Life configuration that would provide a daily benefit. Like all of our jewelry, the Lotus Pendants are functional art forms that can be worn throughout the day. They are said to help improve overall health and well-being, strengthen the immune system and balance chakras among their multiple healing uses. The Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendants are said to help improve your overall health and well-being both mentally and physically, while the Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants are reported to be most supportive to your emotional and mental needs.
These distinctive pendants have been referred to as the “Soothers of the Soul”. They are said to align harmony and vibrations according to what is correct for the wearer. Please visit our Lotus Pendants page for more information, insight, and to read testimonials from our happy customers!
Shipping is FREE on ALL Light-Life Tools
for the entire month of May!
Would you rather have a hands-on experience with the Lotus Pendants and all of the Light-Life Tools? Then we suggest attending one of our unique workshops!
Our next workshop,
Geopathic Stress Reduction, Dowsing
and the
Applications of the Light-Life Tools
is coming up on
June 28-30
at Penny Pack Ecological Restoration Trust
2955 Edge Hill Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Our last workshop in April was SOLD OUT, so register today!
**Early bird pricing runs through June 14**
Click here for more information
Have a lovely May and remember to let the flowers of love soothe your soul!
Warm regards,