With the eclipse season we are off to a massively positive start in 2023. What a new dimension realm we are entering! The Sun continues to release flares, wind and plasma. This is said to give us light codes and energetically allow us to easily raise our frequency. We can awaken to who we really are and how innately powerful we can be. It can even heal misunderstandings in our personality structure and down to a soul level. But if you are like most people, change is not comfortable. The good news is what comes in when the change is in the rearview mirror. Once we are past the “leap into the unknown” moment or phase, we almost always 😉 have enormous gratitude for the gifts from making those changes we decided to (or felt forced to) make.
This eclipse season has uniquely shifted us back into alignment. This could move you out of situations that you may not be ready to give up. Even though on another level, they aren’t serving our highest good.
A friend of mine said to me, ” it’s like I was being pushed out! ” She wasn’t comfortable but we both knew it was for a bigger and better situation even more perfect for her.
These are the moments of immense healing opportunity during this Eclipse window. The total Solar eclipse was April 19-20th 2023. The next one is a total lunar eclipse on May 5th, 2023. This is in the sign of Scorpio, which is complex and has great emotional breadth and depth.
Supporting Us Through Changes
Using this multidimensionally supportive energy to explore the entire landscape of our unresolved patterns that could be causing us suffering and to stay in a loop is paramount right now. Not using this time to shift and evolve up could keep us stuck a bit. “May is setting the consciousness for the next 6 months, so what we focus on now is highly important.” – Abby Wynne
Adamus Saint-Germain channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe of the Crimson Circle also started describing the massive choice points happening now, back in September of 2022. According to him the first day of the new energies started on March 22nd, 2023 and Adamus is calling this Heaven’s Cross.
One of my favorite Tools to hold the space for myself to dive into the depths and clear old “things” in the stillness of the zero-point energies are the New Dimension Sacred Rings. Holding this ring like a steering wheel next to our third eye or as a crown, and peer into the movie of your life to clear and release anything that isn’t working, can be a very supportive accelerator in canceling out those old programs.

Please try it for yourself and let us know how it works for you. Connect with us through Facebook or Instagram or per email. We are interested to hear your findings. Thank you.