Tip of the Month: How to Save on Gas

How to save on gas is on everyone’s mind these days. The price of gas is rapidly increasing right now. Being consciences about how we drive can help you save money. These small little acts can also have an impact on Mother Earth. Here are a few tips we compiled to help you save on gas.

Drive less and drive wisely:

Run errands together starting at the place farthest from home. Also, accelerate slowly and drop your speed. Speed limits are there for a reason. Coast before braking when you see a stop sign or red light ahead.

Stop idling for long periods of time:

Waiting in the carpool line to pick up your kids? Turn off the engine. Stuck at a railroad crossing waiting for the longest train to pass? Turn off the engine. More so, warming up your car on a cold morning? Turn off the engine. The fastest way to warm up an engine is by driving.

Pay attention to the dashboard lights:

Get your car serviced regularly. As oil breaks down, it causes your engine to work harder, which mean more gas burning per mile. Therefore, regular oil changes can help you drive farther on one tank of gas. Additionally, keep your tires properly inflated. Under-inflated tires may cause your car to use more fuel.

Use a Light-Life Tensor Ring:

Try placing a Light-Life Tensor Ring over your gas cap. This may help improve gas mileage and keep your car running more efficiently. We have numerous testimonials from users all over the country stating that their mileage improved after using a Plain Jane Tensor Ring.

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