When I look at a Blazing Maple tree in the fall, I see the beautiful full green leaves begin to change. They go from green to vibrant red to brown and then fall from the tree. When the tree is in full transformation, it becomes the most beautiful red. Every year I look forward to fall so that I can see the Blazing Maple tree come alive with color.

The tree is changing; it is going from growing to being dormant. It is preparing to survive the cold of winter. I feel like we as humans go through a transformation or changing many times in our lives as well. If we could just stop and see the beauty that is sometimes hidden to us in the transformation, in the changing. We are becoming a vibrant red in our own way. We are allowing the old to fall away and be within for a bit only to emerge later somewhat the same and yet new, different, ready for what life has ahead of us.
The difficulty in changing and transforming, is that we sometimes do it with blinders on. We can’t see the beauty in it because we are mourning the beauty, we felt we had. In reality both were beautiful but, like the tree, the vibrant red happens for only a short time and then it is gone. If we take a minute to take off the blinders, experience the changes and transformation in our lives, then we can appreciate the beauty in all our life. The positive energy that comes from allowing that which needs to move on to indeed move on and allow that which serves us in the moment come in and enhance our lives.
Slim saw the beauty of nature, the energy that flowed between all things and felt a passion to create something that could benefit both humans and the planet. He had moments of trial and error; of understanding and confusion but chose to see the underlying magic in what he was being given; the gift that sacred geometry had to offer. He could have gotten caught up in the confusion, in the transformation but chose to be in harmony with the energy and create tools that can help us all live in harmony with each other and nature.
I too had to change when Slim passed. I could have stayed in mourning, which I did do for a bit as I loved him so deeply. But then, rather than get lost in it, I turned to what Slim had continually done, I looked to the peace and harmony to get me through and continued his work. Change was not at all easy but it transformed me, I went through my metaphorical vibrant red to brown and then dormant as I processed. But I emerged prepared to continue Slims legacy and share his gifts with the world. I am not the same, as none of us are the same when we experience a transformation, when we change, when we go through the season of fall.
I hope that you see the beauty of fall, in the beauty of change and in the beauty of all that you are. Because my friend, you have within you the strength to move mountains, the compassion to love others unconditionally and knowledge to share. It’s time to share your gifts! The world needs you as well.
Enjoy and cherish the fall!