Using the Tools to Align Your Chakras

When I talk about the Pyramid Unit, it’s impossible not to immediately associate it with the solar plexus, or your third chakra. The pyramid unit is comprised of two tetrahedrons, a well known shape in sacred geometry that is almost always associated with this energy field in the body. The solar plexus, or manipura in Sanskrit, is located right above the navel. I’m no expert, but I have a strong suspicion that the phrase “she’s got guts” was derived because of the solar plexus’ location in the body.

Why should you care about your solar plexus? What significance does it have for you? Well essentially the chakras are wheels of energy that align vertically along the mid-line of the body. Among other things, they allow energy to flow from one area to another. When your chi, or life force energy, is blocked in any of these areas it can cause harm without us even realizing it until symptoms start appearing.

The solar plexus is associated with the color yellow as well as the element of fire. This important energy point gives you the ability to rise to the occasion in times of need and difficulty, or anytime you are challenged. This chakra speaks to creativity, personality, intellect and ego and gives you increased awareness and clarity of thought, along with great curiosity. When blocked or unbalanced, ego can quickly run awry. All of us are perfectly imperfect and we wouldn’t be human if our chakras didn’t get out whack. You can easily tell when your solar plexus is weakened, when you find your self-esteem in the gutter or you’re playing the victim. Your solar plexus is also off when you move far too much in the other direction and you become selfish or manipulative in order to fulfill your need to get ahead. As in most everything in life, a balanced solar plexus is key.

I think of someone with a balanced solar plexus as a natural leader. They have the ability to make thoughtful decisions, move forward with projects taking all ideas into consideration, have a healthy self-esteem (read: NOT cockiness) and applaud other’s successes. They do not need to boast of their accomplishments. I like to say that someone who has energy flowing freely through their solar plexus is one who is sitting in their own power. This energetic focal point is associated with inner fire and warrior power. Used mindfully when in balance, there’s nothing in your way!

We are constantly working to improve our processes in the shop and I find it’s important to give my extremely talented team of metalsmiths the freedom to play. The Pyramid Unit came into play when our shop manager started to explore other shapes in the sacred geometry record. The tetrahedron caught her eye. Instead of building just one, she made two that face each other, so they are constantly in a field of balance and equilibrium. One day someone on the team suggested putting a Harmonizer in the unit and the results were pretty incredible. We had a psychic reader/energy healer describe her experience with the tool:

The Pyramid Unit may assist to realign and harmonize your energetic matrix that goes throughout your entire energy field body and through the mental and emotional bodies as well. It assists in re-establishing harmonious configuration so that you are flowing with your energies on all levels. The standard one without a Harmonizer may bring in the same power as all of the 16 core crystals together. So you are mimicking with this pyramid the same energies that are vibrating through the earth. As a result of this, it assists to raise your vibrations, to raise your light back into awareness, raise greater harmony physically, mentally and emotionally, raising you back into the light and the truth of who you are and assists you throughout your entire spiritual journey as well as simply the journey of your life so that you’re pulsating with radiant light to raise the vibration not only of yourself, but wherever you go.

The one with a Sacred Cubit Personal Harmonizer in the middle may allow you to bring back remembering essence of who you are and help you to let go of what is not to your highest good. It would be wonderful around children.

The one with a Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer in the middle may be beautiful for a person to come completely neutral, people be silent inside, still in the moment, what begins to come back up is a childlike joy. A person sitting next to it does not seem to have a story. I see this working like a spa, it is beautiful, strong and may assist you with your own physical healing, may bring you in healing and harmony. It may also help you to have a closer relationship with the divine.

The one with the  Harmonizer may also help promote love energy in spiritual environment. I see it as a spiritual and physical connector that brings in our light energy and allows DNA to shift in man. It may assist in re-establishing harmonious configuration so that energy flows smoothly on all levels. It can be placed next to one’s bed while they sleep to provide a clearing energy throughout the resting period and it may also help with cleaning the environment from pollution as well old history.

Do you own a Pyramid Unit or a Pyramid Pendant? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Have you noticed a difference with your solar plexus? Life in general? What has changed? I absolutely adore this tool and I hope it brings you just as much joy as it’s brought to my life. Something to note:  this tool wants its own place and doesn’t like to be moved around a lot. I have several of the units around my office as well as my home to keep my ego in harmony so I can move forward clearly, respectfully and can keep Slim’s legend moving forward with positive energy. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey!

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