Vaccinating or not?

You may be surprised that I am talking about vaccinating or not, but I had some insights I would like to share with you. I believe that it could be helpful for some of you. The whole Coronavirus issue had me thinking a lot. It is unbelievable to me and sad to see how families and friends are becoming divided because of different opinions. There are so many different views, and all are based on the information we receive. Mainstream media tells us one thing and urges us to act. However, when you do some research, you’ll find a lot of other information also, and they also want you to act. Who to believe when it comes to vaccinating or not? How do you choose?

Some of the information I received made me talk to friends and family to inform them. Many were not interested because they had only one stream of information. I finally concluded that everybody is on their own journey, and it is not my business to interfere. All I can do is pray for the best outcome for all, vaccinated or not.

You Are the PLACEBO

I remembered a book I read by Joe Dispenza You Are the PLACEBO – making your mind matter! He talks about the self-healing power of our bodies. Basically, if we strongly believe without a doubt that something is good for us it could help us heal ourselves. Vaccinating or not, it can help you to come out of this situation without any harm. I have heard of people doing well after the vaccination, and also of devastating side effects of the vaccines. I also know of people who recovered from COVID, and others who died from it and I am sorry for their loss.

Whatever we hear, I feel it is very important that we don’t engage emotionally and let it take us down into a negative spin. Instead, as always, I remind you to go into love and trust and out of fear and negative thoughts. I know, it can be hard at times, but so needed. We need to keep our vibrations as high as possible.

Sometimes I wonder if the focus on the Coronavirus distracts us from paying close attention to what is happening with 5G Technology. This is a different matter where other forces are in play and our focused attention on being healthy is not strong enough to fight the damaging effects it has. To learn about the harmful effects of 5G please read our recent blog. In my opinion, it is much more dangerous, because for the Coronavirus there are remedies to heal us, for 5G there is no remedy.

Light-Life Tools to reduce harmful effects of 5G

We can only do our best to reduce the negative effects as much as possible. And that’s why we at Light-Life Technology created our New Dimension Harmonizers. Our Harmonizers also create a harmonious space around you and can help you and the people around you stay calm in the midst of chaos.

All Light-Life Tools bring more light, that’s why they got the name ‘Light-Life Tools’. If you have any, please use them daily. Their applications are endless and are designed to bring many benefits. If you have some and forgot how to use them, please get the book In the Mind of a Master. It is a great read and serves as a reference guide on how to use your Light-Life Tools. Our YouTube channel is also a helpful source of information about our Light-Life Tools. You can learn how to apply them and find the newest discoveries from the Light-Life Community.

Focus on the good in your life. Be grateful! Let your light shine! Stay healthy.


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