Welcome February! With hearts displayed in every store we can’t ignore it is the months of love!
With January behind us and the depth of the winter season setting in, this is a wonderful time and opportunity to slow down, allow ourselves to be still and quiet and reflect inward. Being in that quiet space and silencing the impact of the outer world, we can connect to that clear, soft voice inside ourselves that is the core and essence of our being. We can ask the question: what is it that we want to create moving forward – what is our heart’s desire? What is the spark within us that desires to come to fruition?
Peeling away the outer influences and the reality around us, we can have the most direct and clear vision into what it is that we are ready to undertake. We don’t need to know all of the details. Sometimes it’s only about taking the first step and trusting the unfolding process, knowing on a deep internal level that each step will be revealed as the vision slowly unfolds and crystalizes.
What can be helpful as a priority is to keep connecting inside to our heart’s guiding light and clear voice while being in the present moment. This is the essence of the creative process. The stillness holds the entire vision of what’s on the horizon. We already have all of the answers to our questions.
February brings Valentine’s Day – a holiday centered around the heart. With all that is going on in the world around us, it’s always helpful to remember that no matter WHAT IS, we have the heart to guide us in each and every moment on our path. We only have to take the time to be centered in this beautiful space of truth, clarifying each moment of our experience through love.
So this February, I wish you the very best. May you define your own vision of your heart’s desire. May you know in each moment the beauty of who you are and follow the path guided by your own heart.
We at Light-Life Tools are happy to offer support and guidance through our blog, website and workshops, with information on the tools as they support your personal journey. Let us know how we can help you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Katharina Spurling-Kaffl