Many of you already know that our tools have been built based upon principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics, but do you know the historical reference of the cubit? The cubit is a length of measurement that was first found in the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world that still exists today! The cubits were so precisely measured that if any of the workers significantly deviated from this stringent guideline that the punishment was often death. Makes you wonder: were the Egyptians only intent on being precise or was their something larger at play? Turns out the cubit lengths, or neter lengths, each have specific properties that directly correlate with our universe. Let me explain.

In his book, In The Mind of a Master, Slim explains that there are probably about 64 different neter lengths and only nineteen of those are readily available today. The Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring is based upon the cubit length found in the Pharoah’s chamber or final resting place. We have discovered through time that this cubit length is related to all that is physical or earthly. I’ve seen remarkable healing take place with the use of the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring from easing discomfort to helping with sleep. It’s daily applications seem to be endless and I talk about this more in a previous entry. (Link to sacred cubit blog). What I’d like to focus on this month as we set our intentions towards transition is the Lost Cubit.
This cubit was originally discovered by Hans Becker in 2006. One Lost Cubit Light-LIfe Ring has a frequency of 177 mHz. Slim described in relation to the Sacred Cubit as the atmosphere is to the earth. When the discovery was made it was quickly deemed the ‘forbidden cubit’ as it seemed many of the records about this power neter length had been destroyed in the historical record. I’ll let Slim explain:
Truly transformative power is often kept back from the general audience and held in the hands of a chosen few.
Early professional reports point to effects consciously and willfully created when an intention is fueled by a strong emotional content felt within the researcher’s physical body. As of late, what some healers are noticing is that the tensor field of the Lost Cubit functions much like a lens or a window, which allows them to view information that is stored in the Akashic records. When a Lost Cubit Ring is held over a client or chakra or problematic area, deeper knowledge appears to be transferred or picked up by the field inside the ring. It deals more with the atmosphere or aura of a person, there being an analogy, and it deals more with the mental and emotional issues we human beings experience. We find, often times, a release from long standing emotional or mental problems when using the Lost Cubit.
How lucky are we that Hans and Slim re-discovered this ancient technology and it’s now readily available for you to incorporate in your daily life? As you may remember, I’ve had the honor and privilege of working with Akiko Stein, a student of the late Dr. Emoto. Dr. Emoto was a researcher who discovered that our thoughts have an affect on the molecular structure of water. I gave Ms. Stein ½ Cubit Light-Life Rings for her research and previously posted on our findings when she incorporated the ½ Sacred Cubit into her studies. It gives me great pleasure to present to you the images she created when incorporating the Lost Cubit Light-Light Ring (½ Cubit, 24 kt gold plated with 3 beads) into her studies. It’s phenomenal when you stop to think that over 70% of your body is made out of water. Can you imagine what the Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring could do for you? It’s nice to have a visual representation of Slim’s explanation:
The light from the ring penetrates everything in its path. Since the human body is about 70-80% water, this light goes deep into the cells, generating positive healing effects at the cellular level. The rings appear to relax the cell membranes and allow for better oxygen/ nutrient/ waste transport in and out of the cells.
This remarkable tool has a variety of uses for your health and wellness. It’s assumed that this measurement was ‘lost’ or ‘forbidden’ as it’s said to help with longevity and rejuvenation which the pharaohs, or Egyptian royalty, wanted to keep only for themselves! We also know that this ring is connected to your emotions or mental state. Some call this ring the ‘manifestation ring’! I have heard enough stories in my day from our loving Light-Life community to truly believe this sentiment. Recently we’ve had a customer manifest a place to stay in a town that was notorious for a housing crunch. If you have something in your life you wish to manifest think about it carefully and put as many details into the intention that you possibly can as the universe is listening! I suggest that you speak the intention out loud while holding the ring in front of you. Please be sure to let me know how this is working for you and share your stories on our Facebook page!

Another great use for this tool is focus. My Marketing Director will often wear a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around her neck, like a necklace, when she needs to focus or she will place one on her chair to sit on before she begins her day. In the 3 ½ Cubit Length, this ring makes an excellent tool for meditation or an aura shower. If you’ve come home from a crazy day in the city or a big conference try moving this ring from your head to your toes to clear your energy and return to center.

The ways in which you decide to incorporate the Lost Cubit Light-Life ring into your life are endless and I ask you to do so respectfully. Please remember how this cubit received it’s name. We are proud to bring you this ancient technology and we want you to remember the responsibly associated with its power. When you move forward with love and an open mind, the possibilities are endless. I can’t wait to see all the incredible things that you manifest in your life!