Lotus Pendants

Benefits of Incorporating Light-Life Tools into Your Wellness Routine

Today we would like to share with you the benefits of incorporating Light-Life Tools into your wellness routine. The good

Acu-Vac Coil, Animals, Detox, Emotional stress, General Discomfort, Harmonizer, Healing Principles, Health and Wellness, Jewelry / Pendants, Light-Life Rings, Lotus Pendants, Meditation/Relaxation, Moon Pendant, Personal Energy Pendants, Physical Stress, Potentizing Water, Self-Care, Sleep, Stress, Travel, Water Quality, well being

FAQ about the Light-Life Tools. Ask Katharina.

After having our first Virtual Workshop recently, I realized that it’s time to answer some FAQ about the Light-Life Tools.

Acu-Vac Coil, Ask Katharina, Clearing Air Pollution, EMFs, Emotional stress, Geopathic Stress, Harmonizer, Hartmann Grid, Health and Wellness, In the Mind of the Master, Jewelry / Pendants, Light-Life Rings, Lotus Pendants, Personal Energy Pendants, Self-Care, Sleep, Slim Spurling, Stress, well being
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