While driving home the other day I listened to a podcast and the question, “What does a harmonious environment mean for you?” came up. Of course, I understand most of us have a different idea of it, but what does a harmonious environment mean for you?
Harmony at home
- Sitting at the table with your family sharing a meal and listening to each other’s stories of the day?
- Being genuinely kind and loving to each other?
- Watching a movie together?
- Going to games together?
- Having plants and/or pets in your house?
- The children are ‘good’ children:
- Always bringing good grades?
- Always cleaning up their room?
- Helping in the house?
- Having friends you agree with?
- Don’t disagree?
Harmony in your relationships
- Your partner is fully supporting you by helping:
- With work around the house and the yard?
- Homework with the children?
- Listening to your stories from work?
- Taking care of your aging parents?
- With your volunteer work?
- You and your partner are in alignment with your values?
- You share the same spiritual principles?
- Is your work rewarding?
- Your finances are flowing?
- Your relationships with family and friends are empowering?
- You have time to be with yourself to meditate and pray or just read or listen to music?
Harmony in your surroundings
- You live in an area that is nourishing you with:
- Clean air?
- City life or living close to nature?
- Beautiful view to the mountains or beach or dessert?
- Nice neighborhood with friendly neighbors?
I am sure I did not cover everything, but the intention is to start a thought process. What if we don’t have any or have very little of what I’ve listed or what you would add? How about if we first look to find peace and harmony within and then let it reflect on the outside?
The importance of living/being in a harmonious environment is backed up by epigenetics studies. They teach us that our behaviors and environment can cause changes in how our body reads a DNA sequence.
Doesn’t it make sense to make sure we live in an environment that nourishes us, that supports us? Knowing from my own experience is that the ‘wrong’ people in our environment can make us sick. For example, when I was under a lot of physical pain and limited in my movement for several years, I thought I depended on those people, but it turned out, once I disassociated from them my health improved. Look in your own life? Do you put up with people and situations because you believe you have to? Of course, I understand making significant choices is at a cost, however, the following benefits are invaluable. I do know that also from experience.
What I learned the hard way is that I cannot make someone happy. Happiness is a choice, it is not depending on other people. Everybody is on their own life journey and it is not appropriate for us to interfere with it. For example, if we take things personally and, as a result choose to allow others to put us down, it is on us to make some adjustments. The book ‘The Four Agreements’ is a good read if you want to get more acquainted with that concept.
Sometimes, people think if they get one of our Environmental Harmonizers it takes care of everything and they don’t need to make any changes in their own behavior and sometimes location. In fact, my late husband, Slim Spurling, made it very clear when he said, “The Light-Life Tools are created to help you in your personal growth, but they will not do the work for you.” You see, this would interfere with your free will and that would not be okay. In other words, while the Harmonizer can point out to you what you need to change it is up to you to make those changes.
Please click here to read my blog about the different Environmental Harmonizers if you consider getting one for yourself. I would highly recommend doing so because the benefits can be enormous for you, your family, your workplace, and your neighborhood.
I want to leave you with the invitation to look at what does a harmonious environment mean for you and step by step make the necessary changes to live in a harmonious environment. You and your loved ones deserve it.