Questions and curiosity are an everyday part of my work with the Light-Life® Tools. Recently, I brought on a new Marketing Director, and she encouraged me to start sharing some of the questions I receive publicly so that everyone can benefit from the knowledge shared. Do you have a question? Don’t be shy to reach out and ask! At IX-EL, Inc. we encourage everyone to let go of judgement to make room for enlightenment. Here are a collection of questions I’ve received recently which I think are rightly aligned with our intentions of cleansing and renewal in the month of March. Enjoy!
-Katharina Spurling-Kaffl

Dear Katharina,
Even into adulthood I seem to struggle with acne. Is it possible to utilize the tools to attain clearer skin?
Brittany S.

Dear Brittany,
Acne is something that many of us have struggled with at some point in our lives! While some would think of this as a purely aesthetic discussion, your face is the first thing other people see and I believe that breakouts can lead to a breakdown of self-confidence. I remember Slim telling me a story once of a gentleman who drank plentiful amounts of super potentized water and his entire face cleared up in a matter of about six weeks! Although I cannot guarantee the same results, I do suggest you give it a try. You can find out how to potentize your water by watching one of our videos or reading more in our blog.
Warm regards,
Dear Katharina,
My work environment has been slightly toxic and extremely stressful lately. Do you have any suggestions on working with the tools to help restore me back to center after a long, hard day?
Thank you,
James P.

Dear James,
Well we wouldn’t be human if we weren’t susceptible to stress. It’s a daily part of life and it’s truly a life-long practice to learn how to move through each day with openness, strength and centeredness. The tools are a great instrument to help bring you back to center. I have three suggestions that you might want to try:
- Place a 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring on top of your head for increased focus and clarity. You may also consider sitting on top of one if you think your desk mates might give you a weird look if placed on your crown. 🙂
- Try wearing one of our Lotus Pendants underneath your work shirt. One of my friends was in the midst of an immense amount of chaos that was causing her to feel emotional discomfort and overwhelm. She immediately felt a huge sense of relief after putting the pendant on, and it continued over time.
- You may want to try wearing a Unity Personal Harmonizer as our clients have reported excellent results of re-centering and balance. In addition, the tool seems to protect the user from unfriendly people. Harmonizers are said to create spherical light fields around them. They can restore harmony not only to the wearer but they may help reset the energy of those who come in contact with the field.can
As always, please keep me posted on what method you choose and let me know how it is working for you. I can talk about the results I’ve seen, but it’s so much more powerful when we have our clients provide us with testimonials of how the tools are affecting their lives. May a much more stress-free zone be right around the corner for you!
Warm regards,

Dear Katharina,
About a year ago I lost my beautiful wife to cancer. While I want to give myself ample space to grieve, I also know that I can’t wallow in this space of sadness forever. I want to start moving through this pain so I can be a happy, productive soul again one day, if not for myself, for our three beautiful children. I love your tools and would appreciate your guidance on how to help me move through this tough time.
-Mike G.
Dear Mike,
I am so sorry for your loss. The only certainty we seem to have in life is that one day it will come to an end, and for some that ending feels way too soon. I had a woman in Germany who lost her brother suddenly and wanted to help her sister-in-law heal. She used the 3 ½ Sacred and Lost Cubit Light-Life® Rings as well as Light-Life® Feedback Loop to provide her sister with an “aura shower”. First she had her sister stand and held the 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring over her sister’s head and slowly brought it all the way down to her feet. She then did the same with the 3 ½ Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring. After this process she encouraged her sister to lay down and did a body scan with our Large Lost Light-Life® Feedback Loop. The results were immediate and easily noticeable to the family present. Her sister’s body and face moved fairly quickly from strain and trauma associated with the sudden passing of her loved one to a relaxed place of peace. I recommend that you work with a close loved one or knowledgeable healer to provide yourself with your own “aura shower” and see if it provides you with the same sense of centering. It’s been 10 years since Slims’s passing and you’ll often find me wearing my 1/4 Sacred Cubit Light-Life (R) Lotus Pendant. I found it helped me move through the grief.
Warm regards,

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First of all, my sincere condolences to Mike G. and his family. I certainly hope your recommendation will be beneficial for him and his three children.
On a much less important issue..I live in a community where all homes have tile roofs which are highly susceptible to mold and require frequent cleaning.
The farthest home is 1/2 mile from me.
Would one of the “Harmonizers” be effective in cleaning and/or slowing or eliminating the mold?
If so which one would you recommend?
Have any of the “Tools” been effective in minimizing the results from a stroke?
Thank you and sincerely,
Bill P.
Hello Bill! Thanks for commenting. Apologies in the delay. We need to check these more often!
We had great success with the Sacred Cubit Agricultural Harmonizer gold plated in eliminating mold in an old wine cellar. I see no reason why it shouldn’t work for the tiles on the roof!
Regarding the stroke it really depends what on the location of the damage. We cannot give any medical advice, however, we may be able to share some results from other customers once we have more details.