Thank you all so much for continuing to build our beautiful community. It’s such a joy to learn how you are applying the tools to your daily life. Each month I plan on including actual questions from customers in this column to help us all benefit from the shared knowledge. If you have a question for me, please don’t be shy and leave a comment below!
Dear Katharina,
I’ve suffered from chronic back and shoulder pain for years now. My friend mentioned to me that I might try out the Light-Life Tools as they are said to alleviate physical discomfort. Could you please point me in the right direction? What is the best tool for me to start with? How is it applied? Do I need to be trained in energy healing in order for the tool to work properly?
Katie D., Boulder, CO

Dear Katie,
I’m so sorry to hear about your chronic pain. Unfortunately it’s more common than one might think in today’s environment. We’ve had hundreds of testimonials from customers that choose to use the Light-Life Tools with great results. While we can’t make any promises and guarantees (everyone’s situation is different), I would like to recommend using one of our Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings. The Sacred Cubit seems to work best in the physical realm. One method of discomfort relief is to take a ½ or 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring and tuck it in your pants or belt. Some customers have suggested first tying the ring to a string so you don’t lose it when changing or using the bathroom. I would also suggest buying a 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring to put under your bed. This is said to be a wonderful sleep aid. The tools are reported to amply life force energy which can work on your aches and pains while you slumber. What I love about the tools is how easy they are to be incorporated into everyday life. You don’t need a special training, even children can use them with great results!

In an addition to your new Sacred Light-Life Rings, please be sure to pick up a Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil for your shoulder. I’m a big believer that every first aid kit should contain this versatile tool! In your specific case you’ll need to place the coil under your armpit with the bead pointing away from your shoulder. Much like a vacuum, the coil gets it’s name as it’s said to suck away physical discomfort. Please give these items a try and let me know how they are working out. Testimonials are what help us get the word out about these revolutionary items.
Warm regards,
Dear Katharina,
I’m grateful to learn that you’ve dedicated the month of May to remembrance. I recently lost my dear cat Coconut and I find myself incredibly depressed. It’s painful to hear others tell me that I should “get over it” or “she was just a cat”. To me, Coco was a part of my family. Do you have any tools that help alleviate depression? I would like to find peace over my loss and move on as best I can. I know you love animals so I appreciate your advice.
Thank you,
Gwen F., San Francisco, CA

Dear Gwen,
I totally understand, our animals are part of our family and life and to lose one is extremely painful. Recently I received a powerful report from a young woman with depression who got great relief from one of our Lost Cubit Mini Personal Harmonizers. I would like to recommend checking out our website and looking at our pendants and Personal Harmonizers and then choosing what you feel most attracted to. The answer is never wrong as these are intention based tools that work directly with your own energies to bring about the desired results. Go with your gut and let me know what you choose! Depression is a mental disorder that has such an awful stigma. It’s nice to see that sentiment dissipating as we talk about it more openly and honestly than ever before. If you feel overwhelmed, I strongly suggest that you go and see your doctor. Holistic medicine and traditional medicine work very nicely with one another. I believe in a balance of both and want to make sure you are getting all the help that you need!
Sending you many blessings and hopes for happier days.
Warm regards,
Dear Katharina.
I recently started a new, very demanding job. Overwhelming impressions, new technologies to learn and I also have some personal stress and home that affects my ability to focus. Is there any Light-Life Tool that could possibly help me? I need all the help I can get.
Thank you,
Anne-Marie C., Boston, MA

Dear Anne-Marie,
I know the feeling! I think we’ve all had moments in our lives when we are overwhelmed. When I get overloaded I like to our 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Rings around my neck. The 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring doesn’t fit over everybody’s head, but our Empowerment Ring does. I gave the Empowerment Ring to one my employees when she went through a very stressful situation in her life. I also gave her a Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant (gold plated) and this combination worked very well for her. By the way, the ring looks great as a necklace! Let me know if this did the trick.
Wishing you all the best in your new job and calm and peace for your personal situation.
Dear Katharine,
I’ve been chronically ill for a long time most recently I’ve been having problems with knee pain and multiple chemical sensitivities and emf sensitivities that started after a concussion a year ago. I was wondering if there was something that would help with these issues as I know the tools have a lot of healing capabilities.
Any help you could give me would be so appreciated.
Thank you so much,
Debbie B
Springfield, I’ll
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Hello Debbie,
Apologies for the delayed reply! We just moved our blog to our website and I haven’t been good at staying on top of comments. I’m so sorry to hear about your health issues! While we can’t make any guarantees, the testimonials our customers have provided regarding the ease of pain are incredible. I would recommend the Sacred Cubit Personal Harmonizer in Silver Plating to help you ease your discomfort and combat the harmful effects of EMFs. I would also recommend purchasing a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring in 24k gold plating to put over your knee while you are relaxing. Please let me know what you decide to do and if it’s working for you! Sincerely, Katharina